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Great decision by Rafa

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posted on 24/6/13

Nadal's body is on the decline. It's real sad to see. Maybe it's time to retire from grass. On hard court he seems okay, won indian wells and played decently.

posted on 24/6/13

He certainly looked in a bad way. Hope it's not as serious as last year

posted on 25/6/13


He had no prep on the grass and his knew tweaked. No biggie. Rest the knee for the HC season

posted on 25/6/13

Excuses and Bubbles go hand in hand

Your making me beging to hate my second favourite player ffs

posted on 25/6/13


posted on 25/6/13

The attritional way Nadull plays the game was bound to catch up with him sooner than later.The body can take so much of excessive top-spins and running himself to the ground.
How about the spainard's scheduling; recovers from an injury and enters for all the top clay court events leading to the french open.
Be a real dagger to his heart if the GOATY seals his 18th and extends the slam gap.
GOATY-Greatest Of All Time Yet.

posted on 25/6/13

I don't think Rafa really cares about all the GOAT stuff. Roger is more interested in those numbers. Rafa has exceeded his and everyone's expectations on all surfaces. Whether maybe it is time for Nadal to call it day is another question. But another significant injury and Nadal needs to consider whether it is time to put away the raquet.

posted on 25/6/13

Nadal's style of play will be his downfall, and will subsequently shorten his career.

What a damn shame. I want to see the top four competing with each other for at least another couple of years. I thought that Federer would be the first to go, but Nadal looks more vulnerable.

posted on 25/6/13


You know it's true

posted on 25/6/13

comment by ubad9jagooner (U7978)
posted 8 hours, 54 minutes ago
The attritional way Nadull plays the game was bound to catch up with him sooner than later.The body can take so much of excessive top-spins and running himself to the ground.
How about the spainard's scheduling; recovers from an injury and enters for all the top clay court events leading to the french open.
Be a real dagger to his heart if the GOATY seals his 18th and extends the slam gap.
GOATY-Greatest Of All Time Yet.

Todger has been finished since Nadal ended him in 2008/2009. He's been found out in a stronger era with a more consistent challengers. Not a chance he'll win Wimbledon even with his usual luxury/fixed draws.

posted on 25/6/13

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posted on 25/6/13

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comment by Bestie (U1113)

posted on 26/6/13

Todger has been finished since Nadal ended him in 2008/2009. He's been found out in a stronger era with a more consistent challengers. Not a chance he'll win Wimbledon even with his usual luxury/fixed draws.


Federer who won wimbledon last year, beating Djokovic and Murray to do so?

posted on 26/6/13

Ignore Bubbles. I only take hime seriously on the football forum especially when he is wumming spurs.
Luxury draws? Roger was seeded to play Rafa, Murray and Djoker to win this year's men's crown.
If you dont enjoy watching Roger, then you shouldnt be a tennis fan.

posted on 26/6/13

Djokovic was also found out by Murray last year as well Gazza..

posted on 26/6/13

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posted on 1/7/13

Federer is a serve bot

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