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These 11 comments are related to an article called:

Reflection on Andy Murray

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posted on 6/9/13

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posted on 6/9/13

awfull performance by murray.

posted on 7/9/13

Spot on article Jonty

posted on 8/9/13

Andy needs to go away and reevaluate his goals. He needs to look at playing every tournament to win. He was wining masters titles or fun a few years back, now he uses them for warm up events for GS which is no good. He needs to play tournament to tournament, not GS to GS !

posted on 8/9/13

Spot on Logie, Look at Nadal, it's like losing a point kills him inside

Andy says he detests losing well start fecking showing it

posted on 8/9/13

he is pants and shouldn't have any major titles because we all know he lucks out due to injuries by djoko and nadal

posted on 8/9/13

Maybe the Davis cup tie will give him time to look at things differently, pol.

posted on 8/9/13

Tnc you are a fud of the highest order


Hope that sticks right in your throat ya p rick

posted on 8/9/13

Andy needs to go away and reevaluate his goals. He needs to look at playing every tournament to win. He was wining masters titles or fun a few years back, now he uses them for warm up events for GS which is no good. He needs to play tournament to tournament, not GS to GS !


My feelings exactly

posted on 9/9/13

I agree lads. he simply has to up his intensity throughout the year

as i said alluded to in an earlier post Nadal plays every match as though it would kill him to lose. Andy is always portrayed as a competitive animal who detests losing at anything

Time to show is this Andy

posted on 9/9/13

That's right, to win you don't just have to love winning, you have to bloody hate losing, which Nadal certainly does, as does Djokovic

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