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These 5 comments are related to an article called:

Is There Anbody Out There?

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posted on 5/6/11

Don't worry pal you're not alone.

posted on 6/6/11

Hello there... not a huge fan but follow the Saints as my folks are season ticket holders!

posted on 7/6/11

Laddy, I really like the Saints team, ownership and supporters. Quite possibly from 1 through 15, the best team around. Unfortunately, the bench needs help. Hopefully addressed in the off-season.

The Gardens is a nice ground, but Saints need to resolve their problems with the city to make sure they are able to expand. Will be the best way to keep up with those neighbors to the immediate north. Good to chat about Northampton....

posted on 7/6/11

Here's another one - lets hope we can improve again this season.
doctor_grey - thanks for the nice comments. I believe the stadium will be expanded with or without council help at the end of next season.

posted on 10/6/11

Glad to see I'm not entirely alone. I'm going to leave my first love alone (an exiled Scottish kafflik - what else would you expect) for a year to see what develops, and concentrate on the Saints (always the second love I'm afraid).

I hope all the good wishes follow through into next season and we actually win something - not the play-offs though. Either we win the league or we don't. Through gritted teeth I say that Tiggers were champions this year - regardless of whatever happened afterwards..

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