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What cost Ziggler is push ?

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posted on 22/1/14

Nothing bad was said, he saying he not scared of tall people

posted on 23/1/14

Sniper BTW I'm loving Randy's role in the WWE at the moment.

posted on 23/1/14

Ziggler no.2 in the rumble then

posted on 23/1/14

I know these rumours come along every year and I should know better but there were rumours Sting will be a surprise entrant at the Rumble. If this fails there will be video packages shown similar to those weird Undertaker cabin ones in 2011 (originally made for Sting) teasing a debut soon.

posted on 23/1/14

Who do you think is gonna win the RR? Don't see CM Punk winning it. it's too obvious.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 23/1/14

Blah. Can take or leave Ziggler at this time. There's only so much appeal in being the generic loudmouth who can sell pretty well.

Interesting how the Orton comparison has come up. Orton is a guy who dramatically improved his on-screen character in a very short space of time, channelling real life depression to phenomenally evolve his fictional alter ego. How much has Ziggler actually changed from the arrogant pretender who used to walk up to main eventers saying, 'Hi, I'm Dolph Ziggler'? If anything he's gone backwards, that guy had a novelty factor.

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