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new season

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posted on 10/3/14

July 22 – Uday and Qusay Hussein, sons of Saddam Hussein, are killed by the U.S. military in Iraq, after being tipped off by an informant.

posted on 14/3/14

I think the Mets will be close to .500 but I can't see a playoff push. When you look at who we have acquired; Colon is a passable replacement for missing Harvey for one year and Granderson and Chris Young should more than replace the production Marlon Byrd gave us in 2013.

Just like last year, the starting rotation looks good and the bullpen is always a worry.

Our season will be defined by whether or not Ike Davis and Tejada make a massive step up, which I don't think they can.

posted on 2/4/14

Hey notty

Not too confident with the reds this year, can see the cards winning the division at a canter.

Might get to see your mets in 6 weeks or so, will be i new york when they play the yankees.

posted on 2/4/14

hi Cinci, yep think the cards will be good, reds will be ok
mets just hoping that they have a decent season and some of the prospects can come through will shall see

how have you been settled down in kansas

posted on 2/4/14

Settled quite well but not sure how long we will be here.
Lawrence is a great town, lots of sport and all.

Royals tipped to be better this year as well.

posted on 3/4/14

The Royals! never, mind you baseball can be like that
throws you the occasional curve ball. would make change from the usual teams will be interesting to see if
afew other underdog teams will have a stand out season

posted on 3/4/14

Not followed much in the off season but i think the Texans are faves.
St Louis, Detroit, Red Sox and Dodgers again i guess.

You get to challenge decisions this season as well, 1 i think, but if you win a challenge you can use it again.

posted on 5/4/14

sorry cinci but we had to get our first win sometime was nice to beat the Reds, lets hope we can repeat today.what away to get your second win
I fancy Detroit to go all the way but it early days.

posted on 5/4/14

Not gonna be a good season for the reds.

1-4 already, back to back defeats to you guys, not scoring runs at all, Hamilton given 3 starts and benched already after no hits, a manager who was basically a chance having never been head coach before.

Can't see 90 wins this time, maybe an 86-76 record if we are lucky

You guys may actually threaten a .500 record as well!?!

posted on 13/4/14

hey we are .400 that's a rare sight,the Reds are struggling. Where did Bryan Price come from never heard of him. got baseball back on telly so happy again
just finished watching Rockies @ Giants. watched Red Sox @ Yankees earlier some good homers there. have you been to a Royals game yet

posted on 15/4/14

Hey mate, Price was the hitting coach if i remember rightly, not the inspiring coach we were waiting for given we are almost ready to challenge for real.

Complete waste of a season this is turning into, im throwing in the towel, 10 home runs in our game just ending now, and yep, on the losing side unless we pull off a 9th inning miracle.

Mets will come close to beating our record this year i reckon.

posted on 19/4/14

watched the mets the other night some bad fielding by D'backs gave it to them, Eric Young, Recker, Granderson look good recruits' Dillon Gee pitched well
thought the relievers let the mets down. Reds look out of sorts but there are signs there they can come through this rough start I expect them to be there at the end challenging they have to many good players
that will pull them around. perhaps it will be a season were a lot of teams will still be in the race for play-offs
come towards end season

posted on 6/5/14

Hi cinci, good win the other night to beat the Brewers the mets are doing ok if you look at the standings everybody seems to have an average record at the moment but I,m expecting the big teams to wake up
and start flexing their muscles. saw Brandon Phillips on MLB162 the other night he had a wire on while he was playing he's a funny guy never stops talking while he's playing he enjoys his baseball

posted on 26/5/14

Hey Cinci, watched Reds v Cardinals for last two nights the Reds suck as bad as the Mets at the moment

posted on 16/7/14

hey dude, take a look at the nfl thread, gonna be a fantasy thing set up and looks like a few more fans rocking up

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