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Potential Spoiler for Tonights Raw

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posted on 3/3/14

head about this last night.so has all been shoot after all

posted on 3/3/14

If he is inserted into the title picture I will lose a lot of respect for him.

posted on 3/3/14

Who can he feud with for mania? Can't think of anything likely!

posted on 3/3/14

Was supposed to be Triple H before he left so maybe they will try that again

posted on 3/3/14

I reckon Bryan will face hhh. Then hogan will gift him a mstch vs orton after the title match in order to end mania on a real high.

Punk though, god knows. Honestly can't think of one opponent.

posted on 3/3/14

IMO the only acceptable (to me) angle for Punk is to go down the Batista route. Both need credibility and both are vying for the same creative role.

posted on 4/3/14

CM Punk

posted on 4/3/14

Heyman walking out to CM Punks theme, classic lol, at least it all confirms it to be a work!!

posted on 4/3/14

Punk vs Reigns would be good, but obviously needs a bit of work first.

Reigns / Ambrose split needs to happen (properly, not the usual WWE way). Maybe a Punk Vs Reigns match with Ambrose interferring could be that opportunity.

posted on 4/3/14

no punk

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 4/3/14

I've got a nagging little feeling this Punk work is going to culminate with him taking Bryan's match with HHH off the card, thus giving the impression Bryan will be off Mania.

posted on 4/3/14

comment by Just Had To Mention That - I Megaloathe You All (U6522)
posted 5 hours, 2 minutes ago
I've got a nagging little feeling this Punk work is going to culminate with him taking Bryan's match with HHH off the card, thus giving the impression Bryan will be off Mania.

Thought the same watching Raw. Feel they missed a massive trick last night not having Punk come out at the end. As usual the crowd in Chicago were superb, but the roof would have come off if his music had hit again, this time for real. Seems they're leaving everything a bit late but I suppose that adds to the build up on the RTWM.

They've got to make it happen, as the thought of a straight Orton v Boretista match makes me cringe. I hate the idea of Hogan giving DB a shot after the main event even more. After multiple screwjobs they have to have him win it legitimately.

Would Punk actually take on HHH as it was widely reported that his issues stem from his not wanting to face Hunter at Wrestlemania?

posted on 4/3/14

yeah they will take the biggest draw in wrestling at the moment off the card

posted on 4/3/14

May end up as having CM Punk/Bryan vs HHH/Kane. I hope not though.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 4/3/14

1. He wouldn't be off the card, it would give the impression of him being off the card.

2. Bryan IS NOT the biggest draw in wrestling, Cena is. The chant is over, he's over at live events, but his buy rate record and merchandise sales are mediocre.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 4/3/14

They've got to make it happen, as the thought of a straight Orton v Boretista match makes me cringe
It's regretful it'll be for the title, but the match itself I feel could be a fun spectacle. The wrestling will be dire, Batista and Orton have terrible chemistry in the ring, but the camaraderie between the fans and two very well established heels could be something memorable, something very unique.

posted on 5/3/14

merchandise sales are mediocre.
Have you seen daniel bryan's merchandise though. Can't see many grown men buying a shirt that says respect the beard on the front of it.

posted on 5/3/14

Beards are all the rage right now, so it has some popular culture value.

But like Bryan its got fad written all over it.

posted on 5/3/14

Even though Stephanie was milking the corporate heel thing on Monday night, a lot of what she said was pretty much on the button, especially about how the fans can turn in a heartbeat. Doesn't seem like 5 minutes ago crowds thought Ziggler could walk on water.

The wrestler holding my attention the most at the moment is Cesaro. Everything he does is just so effortless.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 5/3/14

Have you seen daniel bryan's merchandise though
Fair argument. But his merchandise in many ways is a reflection of the character - they both have no edge.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 5/3/14

a lot of what she said was pretty much on the button, especially about how the fans can turn in a heartbeat
Feed Me More!!! Feed Me More!!! Feed me More!!!

posted on 5/3/14

posted on 5/3/14

difference is it was obvious ryback wasn't eve gunna make it, couldn't cut a promo, couldn't sell, could barley wrestle, many still hated him even when he was up top

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 5/3/14

Bryan certainly has more longevity because of his background, he won't disappear off the radar like Ryback has, but he won't sustain this mass hysteria for longer than a year tops. The WWE's booking of him since Summer Slam has played a tremendous role in keeping his novelty factor fresh, they deserve credit for that.

Once he wins the title, it'll become apparent the thrill was in the chase. IMO anyway.

posted on 5/3/14

I might be wrong but I believe Paige's new NXT t-shirt is the best selling item on the WWE website

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