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Carlisle take it to final game

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posted on 30/4/14

Won’t this one game encapsulate the whole reason we watch football?

The pain and the pleasure, the joy and despair, the victor and the vanquished.

A fitting end to the season I think and while the fact that we will lift the trophy might rub a bit of salt into their wounds at least we’ll be too distracted and in too good a mood to really rip the píss out of them.

posted on 30/4/14

comment by Tatter306 (U6440)

Won’t this one game encapsulate the whole reason we watch football?

The pain and the pleasure, the joy and despair, the victor and the vanquished.

You forgot the balti pies...

posted on 30/4/14

My body is a temple I do not pollute it with balti pies

posted on 30/4/14

They take up too much beer space

posted on 30/4/14

I'd like to say I give a shít about Carlisle getting relegated but I don't....
fingers crossed we swap places with Blues next season and Villa join us in the championship

posted on 30/4/14

What side of bed did you get out of this morning? Or are you just trying to live up to your user name?

posted on 30/4/14


Still don't give a shít tho

I see Pundit's been annoying my scouse friends

posted on 30/4/14

Gives us a break!

posted on 30/4/14

true that...you ok anyway


posted on 30/4/14

I'm sound mate. You?

He does know how to get a rise out of people doesn't he!

posted on 30/4/14

yer can it be classed as a talent?

im sound dude..missus in slow labour (not not Milliband) since Friday so christ knows whats goin on

posted on 30/4/14

Another one! Bull on a bike buy a telly for fecks sake!

All the best hope everything goes smoothly, what you getting?

posted on 30/4/14

It does make me laugh when people react to someone who is blatantly just trying to wind them up by questioning their intelligence. Surely that means the WUM has won.

Pundito 1 Liverpool fans 0

posted on 30/4/14

It’s like Agincourt!

Pundit massively outnumbered but with the technical advantage of his longbow wit cruelly cutting down the French who can do nothing but cry about how unchivalrous it is and die on the end of his arrows.

posted on 30/4/14

whilst covered in mud and of course being French

Dunno Tatts we didn't find out the séx

posted on 30/4/14

Rollocks to Carlisle..
They've got a nerve living that far away.
Why don't they píss off to Scotland.

posted on 30/4/14

thats a point can we trade Celtic for Carlisle?

posted on 30/4/14

Are you mad ? That's even further, England should finish at Leeds, further north than that is too far to drive,

posted on 30/4/14

I guess it depends where your starting from

posted on 30/4/14

Everywhere should be measured by how far it is from Wolvo.

posted on 30/4/14

The Anglo-Scottish border is one of the oldest in the world and has been almost unchanged since 13th century.

I doubt they will move it just because you think Carlisle is a bit of a trek!

posted on 30/4/14

we should get a petition....on a serious note if the scots to get indepence what happens to the poor sods on the border

posted on 30/4/14

Just looked at a map.
I'll stretch our border to York.

posted on 30/4/14

You’re either one side or t’other but you’ll have plenty of situations where you live on one side but work on the other or have kids at a school on the other side or your doctor is on the other side that will cause headaches for individuals.

Some villages on the Welsh/English border have higher house prices on the Welsh side than the English because of no tuition fees or prescription fees if you’re in Wales.

posted on 30/4/14

Yer I can imagine Tatts....especially if you live by the seven sisters (I dunno what it's actually called but thats what i've always known it...going to mid wales just over the border 7 humps in't road)

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