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Pretty sure

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comment by BO$$™ (U6401)

posted on 20/6/14

I too hope Wenger gives him his chance however what happens if he gets injured who plays RB?

No harm in signing that Aurier RB.

posted on 20/6/14

Not sure Boss, could say Bellerin but surely he must go on loan again, was pretty average at Watford even when he was getting in the side.

Not convinced by that Aurier. Think going forward he's decent, and can hit a good cross, but Wenger has always preferred, bar maybe Eboue, full backs who can defend first and foremost.

posted on 20/6/14

We need cover for rb, cb and dm. A player or 2 that can cover all of them would be good otherwise I guess its Flamini and even Ramsey.

posted on 20/6/14

I like Jenkinson, if he played more he would be in the England squad and not that donkey Johnson.

But I agree we need a back up or even better someone who will fight for the R/B role.

Aurier is young and unlike Sagna who was 100% guaranteed in the starting line up, he will have to fight with Jenkinson for that right.

Bringing an older experience R/B will hamper Jenkinson's progress...(....I sound like Wenger....)

posted on 20/6/14

Biggest concern is about his mental fragility, he seems to have a tendency to go to pieces on the slightest mistake, but I'm sure this will disappear with time and experience.


My sentiments exactly!

Also, positionally he's not the best.

But he is a fantastic athlete and totally committed. He can cross a ball too, which is a rarity for an Arsenal fullback.

I'd love for him to be a success at Arsenal, he's a really likeable lad and has some brilliant raw attributes.

However, I ill stick my neck out and say I'd be very surprised if Wenger doesn't sign a new rightback to replace Sagna.

posted on 20/6/14

Rather see him go on loan to develop an for us to sign a number one rb and promote Bellerin as back up. Think having such a raw rb for the season would be disastrous

comment by BO$$™ (U6401)

posted on 20/6/14

Think having such a raw rb for the season would be disastrous
Jenko isnt Raw though hes played plenty of times for us.

People are very quick for forget that time he covered for Sagna where he was actually very good and had people calling for him to start ahead of Sagna.

If hes our no1 RB at the start of the season i have no problems with that but would like another RB to provide competition.

posted on 20/6/14

Sagna was playing shît at the time but I don't think he's defensively good enough yet. Could prove me wrong but is rather we didn't take a chance seeing as we have cash to burn

posted on 20/6/14

Jenkinson showed nothing last season to suggest he is ready, if anything he has regressed from his previous season.

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