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MITB 2014

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posted on 24/6/14

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 24/6/14

Hopefully WWE attempt a swerve or two with those ladder matches, because quite frankly they have two of the most predictable outcomes of a MITB PPV in years -being Kofi winning MITB, Cena winning the title (setting up the Lesnar rematch at Summer Slam).

posted on 24/6/14

Is that tongue in cheek?

posted on 24/6/14


posted on 24/6/14

Kingston? Really?
He'd be my last choice if I had to guess in all honesty!

posted on 25/6/14

Titles - Reigns

MTB - Rollins

Divas - Don't care

Tag - Wyatts

posted on 25/6/14

Kofi winning the ladder match

posted on 25/6/14

I would love Bray Watt to win it

posted on 25/6/14

Personally I see Reigns winning the strap, Rollins MITB and somewhere down the line an Ambrose double cross/heel turn to help Rollins cash in on Roman.

posted on 26/6/14

Both ladder matches look brilliant and it just goes to show that the roster hasn't been this strong for 15 years.

Ideal scenario - Rollins wins and Reigns wins

Rollins cashes in and becomes new champ

posted on 26/6/14

ambrose wins, reigns wins

triple threat at summer slam for the title

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 26/6/14

Wasn't tongue in cheek. Out of the participants in that ladder match, I don't see WWE being high enough on any of them to win it, so they'll play it safe and give it to the "workhorse veteran" guy (if Cody would've been in the match, he'd have been my prediction). He's not getting near the belt either way.

Reigns is NOT winning the title people, not yet. The unification of the belts means, in the short term, you're only going to have proven WWE commodities getting a sniff of that belt. Cena, Orton & Sheamus are the only realistic announced (that's important) contenders in that match, and only the Cena vs. Lesnar rematch holds appeal as the Summer Slam main event. If Reigns wins the belt at MITB, WWE will have given him the ultimate endorsement which will likely result in a very lengthy reign (haha) indeed

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 26/6/14

Personally I see Reigns winning the strap, Rollins MITB and somewhere down the line an Ambrose double cross/heel turn to help Rollins cash in on Roman.
You won't get title plot device storylines like that for awhile in the main event scene. Every WWEWHC will be the real deal in the eyes of WWE for at least the next 2 years.

posted on 26/6/14

give it to the "workhorse veteran" guy

JTG was released

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 26/6/14

You couldn't dedicate an episode of raw to the career achievements of JTG before having him compete for the title in the main event - you could however with Kofi Kingston.

Just my impression of the situation looking at it "the WWE" way. If I was booking Ambrose would get it

posted on 27/6/14

I see the reasoning but I just cannot see Kofi winning it at all. He'll have some match gimmick that makes everyone "wow" (like the ladder stilts & his rumble survivals) but can't see any positives in giving him the contract.

But we'll see

posted on 27/6/14

when was the last time you actually watched wwe?

champers is right, he's only in it for 1 big spot

comment by Marky (U19443)

posted on 27/6/14

I believe that Kane will win.
I believe that Kane will win.
I believe that Kane will win.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 28/6/14

About 3 weeks ago.

Although subtle changes are happening particularly with character presentation and nurturing of feuds over the last few years, the booking is still a bit linear. Still too conservative and image conscious, see Cena vs. Wyatt.

Then factor in over the last year (since I'd assume WWE had aspirations to unify the titles), you've clearly seen cleverly devised storylines which have credibility brought the likes of Big Show, Kane and in particular Orton back into the main event picture without any justifiable reason besides their proven dedication to WWE. And if WWE had their way, the first three contenders for that freshly unified title would've been Orton, Cena & Batista without the likes of Bryan or Punk getting a look in until after WrestleMania.

This is just my impression, but I doubt whoever wins that MITB match has even the slightest chance of winning the belt for the foreseeable future, and WWE have played out that dreamer angle (if Kofi was the win it) time and time again. It's very plausible.

That one is up in the air, but Reigns not winning the title (or anyone besides Cena, Orton or Sheamus winning it) is nailed on. Will be gobsmacked at any other result.

posted on 29/6/14

kofi winning it for the dreamer angle

he's the least over guy in the match and you think thats the dreamer angle? it doesn't work unless the crowds behind you!!!

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 29/6/14

Since when have WWE only applied this angle to guys who are over? All you need is a decent baby face buzz and you're off with it when they've got nothing better to do.

A few years ago John Morrison got a hyped up title match against Miz on Raw just by virtue of being an entertaining baby face who stood the test of time.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 29/6/14

They pulled it with Hornswaggle for god sake LOL

posted on 29/6/14

Is a thread gonna made for this tonight?

posted on 29/6/14

where's cm punk?

posted on 29/6/14

CM Punk

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