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These 15 comments are related to an article called:

Build a great team without spending big

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posted on 3/7/14

We will go nowhere when we are buy and sell like this.

posted on 3/7/14

If you could put it in English, I might be able to respond to you.

posted on 3/7/14

Alexis Sanchez - 35M. Make him the new RM and push Theo to be our striker solving both problems


Theo's not the guy to be the focal point of an attack. He can 'fill in' in that role, but his strengths lie on the right hand side of a front trio. Arsenal seriously missed him last season.

posted on 3/7/14

There's no need to sell Cazorla. Podolski I could live with.

posted on 3/7/14

Interesting theory op
Would leave you 11 players short of a great team though

posted on 3/7/14

This is without spending big?

posted on 3/7/14

Ochoa and aurier are both overhyped, just sht 2nd rate players

Khedira doesn't solve our holding midfield problem

Theo can't play up-front yet, needs lots of time to transition still

comment by Jay. (U16498)

posted on 3/7/14

When is Theo back by the way? Seems to have been gone for an age. I knew it was a serious injury, but it's been over 6 months now hasn't it?

posted on 3/7/14

Buy 6 sell 4... didn't we just released 11 players? We will be in a rebuilding process if buy and sell like OP suggested.

posted on 3/7/14

Uh why on earth do you get £10m for Vela a transfer that happened last season?

posted on 3/7/14


It's a cruciate, 6-9 months probs looking at late sept early oct.

posted on 3/7/14

Hope Arsene is reading this

posted on 3/7/14

Where do you get those values? Did you just make them up?

For starters, no way is Khedira £15m

posted on 3/7/14

£58 is spending big though...

A small outlay would be emulating BVB of Atletico

posted on 3/7/14


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