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What is our expectation this season?

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posted on 22/7/14

Chamberlain, Wilshere, Gibbs, Özil, Szczesny and Cazorla are players we can look to in hope that they have better seasons than the last one. What has always driven our better seasons in recent years is a sudden improvement in one or two players. Last season it was Ramsey and in the past you can point to the likes of RVP and Nasri. The difference now is we're not losing the improved players so the ones stepping up will push us to a new level.

posted on 22/7/14

comment by Gillespie Road (U18361)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Giröulski Alt-153 and Alt-160 forever (U14971)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Gillespie Road (U18361)
posted 59 seconds ago
comment by Giröulski Alt-153 and Alt-160 forever (U14971)
posted 2 minutes ago
If Diaby stays fit he will be the biggest LANS of all time. As a box to box back up to Ramsey he'd be incredible.

Ever seen the surgery scar on the outside of his left leg up close? The poor lad must have had his knee built up from scratch. I'd be glad if he gave us even half a season.
No I haven't. Is it really that bad?
I think the club admin stopped him from sharing info about his recovery progress. There's worse, but it looks like someone kept this.
Jesus! Poor guy. He could have been such an important player on the world stage by now if fate decided to be fair to him. By all accounts he's an incredibly hard worker.

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 22/7/14

It would be unbelievably irresponsible of Wenger to say we don't need a new DM because of Diaby's return. Ignoring the fact that it's almost certain we won't get a full season out of him, it puts huge pressure on Diaby to stay fit and succeed.

A new DM would allow Diaby to play from the bench now and again to get back up to speed before hopefully playing a bigger part in the second half of the season.

posted on 22/7/14

Diaby is a box to box player, not a DM. He's closer to fighting with Ramsey for his place than Arteta.

posted on 22/7/14

We should expect a solid assault on the title. Not sure about winning it.

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 22/7/14

comment by Giröulski Alt-153 and Alt-160 forever (U14971)
posted 1 minute ago
Diaby is a box to box player, not a DM. He's closer to fighting with Ramsey for his place than Arteta.
And Arteta is not a DM, but he plays there

posted on 22/7/14

Arteta at least received an education at DM in La Masia.

posted on 22/7/14

Arteta's penalties are the bees knees.

posted on 22/7/14

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 22/7/14

A lot has been said about the "poor" management of players by the medical and physio teams. Forsythe could end up being our most important acquisition this season.

posted on 22/7/14

Just on Diaby I remember reading a story years ago about his DM “qualities”

When interviewed AW stated that Diaby was a natural holding player and had successfully played there at Auxerre. The interviewer then decided to follow up with Auxerre. Transpired that Diaby’s best position was as a ‘false nuef’ and furthermore when he was trialled as a holding player, he was atrocious.

During his time at Clairefontaine (prior to Auxerre) the coaching staff highlighted that Diaby was not positionally disciplined in the DM role and recommended he never played in the position.

Carry on…

posted on 22/7/14

Hunting. We should approach those games against rivals cautiously, defend and then unleash Sanchez to do the damage on the other end and we will again get our mojo back.

posted on 22/7/14

comment by Dr Huss (U19676)
posted 1 minute ago
Hunting. We should approach those games against rivals cautiously, defend and then unleash Sanchez to do the damage on the other end and we will again get our mojo back.

posted on 22/7/14

comment by Dr Huss (U19676)
posted 11 minutes ago
Hunting. We should approach those games against rivals cautiously, defend and then unleash Sanchez to do the damage on the other end and we will again get our mojo back.
Lets hope so, but can Arsene really change the teams mindset to a more cautious approach in the league?

When we play cautiously in the league like at home against man Utd, we look nervous, fragile and vulnerable

posted on 22/7/14

I will say its due to lacking WC players like Sanchez but I believe this year we are more confident especially after winning FA Cup, I expect us to show some of our new confidence in charity Shield Cup.

posted on 22/7/14

Signing Sanchez was an excellent move, you guys may look to play a front 3 of sorts (i.e. Ozil---Giroud---Sanchez).

Or a 4-2-3-1 (Ozil--Ramsey----Sanchez) with Giroud up top on his own.

To make it work, you need 2 DMs. I think you will finish in the top 4 but you need cover in defence as well.

Gibbs is injury prone, Debuchy is so so

comment by mancini (U7179)

posted on 22/7/14

4th. Anything else is a bonus.

posted on 22/7/14

I think we should play down our expectation because we are competing with rich bottomless rivals like United, City and Chelsea.

Why have you included Chelsea and United in this when both have passed UEFA's FFP for the last 3 year period. Does it make you feel better and less upset about your poor showing in terms of the Prem & CL?

posted on 22/7/14

despite the F.A Cup Win I don't think we progress under Wenger 3rd , CL 1st k/o Rd and a cup is the bare minimum. we were pretty lucky with our home draws in the F.A cup last season Liverpool or Everton away would of another embarrassment

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