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comment by Bruno (U1664)

posted on 5/8/14

Wonder what Goal it will be tomorrow.

posted on 5/8/14

wishing on a star

posted on 5/8/14

Wonder what Goal it will be tomorrow.


I'm excited for it to

posted on 5/8/14

Didn't he miss a sitter right before that?

posted on 5/8/14

no he scored a worldy

posted on 5/8/14

Simply gorgeous!

posted on 5/8/14

Lol I was there that night. Wasn't impressive live.

posted on 5/8/14

Don't know about 'most childish' or 'most hated', two accolades often awarded the Arsenal board - but it's definitely the 'most gay-est', and I like to think in these enlightened times that's something we can be proud of.

posted on 5/8/14

I think this confirms my observation nicely:


posted on 5/8/14

oh christ

posted on 5/8/14

Sir Digby

"Giroud could not claim tiredness as an excuse after starting on the bench at Wembley but Arsenal's leading scorer was guilty of a terrible miss with almost half an hour gone as Wenger's side improved."

"The Frenchman was sent clear by Santi Cazorla's fine pass but elected to try to flick the ball past Adrian with the outside of his left foot and failed to generate the power to trouble the West Ham keeper"

posted on 5/8/14

Times have changed, the word 'frangrance' didn't even exist just 10 years ago.

I think.

posted on 5/8/14

comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 1 hour, 24 minutes ago
Don't know about 'most childish' or 'most hated', two accolades often awarded the Arsenal board - but it's definitely the 'most gay-est', and I like to think in these enlightened times that's something we can be proud of.

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