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Is it pragmatic or boring?

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posted on 13/9/14

posted on 13/9/14


You are a Tigger having a go, but welcome on here.

Oh when the Saints........................

posted on 13/9/14

Saints are looking good to be fair wish I could like North but he IS Welsh...

I was (for hopefully the only time ever) cheering you lot on last year at Twickers... anything to keep the title away from South Africa lol

posted on 13/9/14


Believe it or not I couldn't have given a ratsarse about that game. Sarries won the league. That made them champions in my eyes, and no after season Money Bags Cup will change that.

You may call me a dinosaur, but I refer to myself as a traditionalist. It may take some time, but tradition will win in the end.

posted on 15/9/14

What do you make of the start of the season then folks, some interesting results so far. Sad to see London Welsh getting such a tonking in both games, its early on but I wou;dn't want to see another season where the bottom side effectively becomes a laughing stock, I don't think thats good for anyone.

At the top are we seeing Wasps ascedning to power or is that a one off - likewise Harlequins horror show?

posted on 15/9/14

Loved the Wasps v Saints game, Quins looked bad, very bad. Haven't seen much of the other games unfortunately

Anyone else apply for tickets for next year? Put down 1k worth of requests, kinda hope I don't get them all haha.

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