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Ozil injury

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posted on 8/10/14

Haha this is beyond a joke now

I knew it would be at least 3 months

posted on 8/10/14

Any links for the 10-12 weeks prognosis?

posted on 8/10/14

It's on sky sports

posted on 8/10/14

comment by Cereal Spiller - Exhales as zinc (U12126)
posted 1 second ago
Any links for the 10-12 weeks prognosis?
From German National Team twitter:

Germany ‏@DFB_Team_EN 7m7 minutes ago

BREAKING: @MesutOzil1088 out for 10-12 weeks with partial lateral collateral ligament tear in left knee. More to follow... Get well soon!

posted on 8/10/14

Everywhere on twitter:

Via @DFB_Team_EN: Ozil arrived at international camp with a partial lateral collateral ligament tear in left knee. 10-12 weeks.

posted on 8/10/14

At least it explains why he was do.gsh.ite against Chelsea.

posted on 8/10/14

This is a blessing in disguise because Wenger might actually field XI footballers for the next few months

posted on 8/10/14

LOL...just hilarious.

Maybe someone's giving Wenger a sign to stop playing midfielders on wing

posted on 8/10/14

Blessing in disguise, but absolutely outrageous how our players keep getting serious injuries. Ffs what the hell?

posted on 8/10/14

Oh i dunno,

Alexis -----Welbeck------Theo

May work well. Kos/Mert may need faster runners to protect their slowing legs.

posted on 8/10/14

Absolute amateur hour at the club tbh. How long has he been playing with that injury unchecked? Is this the reason why we get bad injuries, because they arent spotted when they first crop up and subsequently get worse.

Absolute joke

posted on 8/10/14


It's October.....wow!

posted on 8/10/14

So how many players will we have by the new year back? Theo, Debuchy, Giroud and Ozil?
I assume we will suffer injuries anyway between now and then.

posted on 8/10/14

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posted on 8/10/14

The reason for injuries is more likely because Wenger doesn't train the players hard enough. So far every player who has left us has commented on how intensive training is compared to Arsenal. Add the fact that players are still not up to snuff after the world cup but Wenger continues to play them because of the paucity of the squad is a recipe for disaster.

posted on 8/10/14

So they reckon Ramsey is out until December as well?

Literally- what. the. fajitas.

posted on 8/10/14

Your form may improve with Ozil injured, based on the majority of performances he has given since you signed him (except against villa)

posted on 8/10/14

Villa and Gala are the only games where Ozil has played behind a front 3 (in the middle). I wonder why those are considered his best games?

posted on 8/10/14

Apparently he arrived at the German camp with a problem in his left knee, which was confirmed via an MRI.

This Would suggest that AFC were unaware of the injury.

posted on 8/10/14

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posted on 8/10/14

And liverpool go on about there injuries.

That's some injury list in all fairness.

posted on 8/10/14

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posted on 8/10/14

comment by Greatteamswinit4times-The constant one (U6008)
posted 7 seconds ago
comment by Jenius99 (U4918)
posted 4 seconds ago
Villa and Gala are the only games where Ozil has played behind a front 3 (in the middle). I wonder why those are considered his best games?

That's not true at all. He has mainly been played wide, but he played at least half a dozen games through the middle last season, maybe more.
No he didn't. Name the games. He was always combining in/out with Santi on the wing. Add a very slow Giroud in front who is always also dropping into his space.

posted on 8/10/14

comment by What would Stuart Pearce do? (U3126)
posted 4 minutes ago
Apparently he arrived at the German camp with a problem in his left knee, which was confirmed via an MRI.

This Would suggest that AFC were unaware of the injury.
Unless he done it getting on the plane, this is quite an embarrassment for your medical team.

I know you have someone new running it now, but it prevents you progressing year after year

posted on 8/10/14

The Liverpool injury troubles are just laughable.

At one point only Sturridge was out and they were complaining about injuries

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