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These 36 comments are related to an article called:

Sports You Are Very Good At.

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posted on 6/11/14

comment by TheChameleonProject (U1847)
posted 11 minutes ago
I'm an excellent driver
super mario karts...?....

posted on 6/11/14

comment by TheChameleonProject (U1847)
posted 11 minutes ago
I'm an excellent driver


As I suspected TCP is autistic. He's Rainman.


posted on 6/11/14

Is the OP Forest Gump?

Best at football
Ok at rugby
Shlt at tennis
Ok at American football
Dreadful at golf
Embarrassing at tennis
Brilliant at track and field, I won gold in the 200m and 400m for years 10 and 11 and silver in the 100m which meant I was the second fastest in my entire school
I was very good at swimming and think I could of made something of myself with that.
I won countless awards in front crawl, back crawl and butterfly. I was untouchable and still to this day if I challenge a mate that I didn't goto school I'll wipe the floor with them in race. Practically won the relay for my form each year on my own... Should have done more but I was a very quiet humble kid at school... It was after I left and met girls and started drinking and doing drugs It all went down hill.

I'm also not very smart... Probably why I didn't go far after school. Left at year 11.

comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 6/11/14

does Poker count?

posted on 6/11/14

Good at Footy, table tennis, pool, snooker, darts

Can't be ar$ed with cricket, rugby, golf

Spent most of my you playing footy and climbing buildings

posted on 6/11/14


comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 6/11/14

Baseball pitcher
Basketball - eh
American Football - QB or WR
Golf - driving range only
Billiards - very inconsistent but good enough when not drunk

posted on 6/11/14

Wow !

Paisley got the joke

posted on 6/11/14

But ruined it by being Fik and then typical Scouse and Abusive

posted on 6/11/14

Played for what is now a championship side in my youth at football and as a lad was in the local paper weekly.
Had tennis lessons with the thought of turning pro but didn't quite cup it.
Won the squash tournament at my school.
Table tennis I'm decent at
Never really played cricket
Basketball was good at for a short time I played
Was a kickboxing instructor for s few years after a couple years training too 4 or 5 times a week

Out of all sports though snooker is the most frustrating for me, as even on an off day, sheer determination doesn't make a difference. As with golf

posted on 7/11/14

comment by Pâî§Lë¥'&scaron... (U1541)
posted 15 hours, 46 minutes ago
comment by TheChameleonProject (U1847)
posted 11 minutes ago
I'm an excellent driver


As I suspected TCP is autistic. He's Rainman.


K-K K Mart sucks...

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