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wwe hall of fame 2015

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posted on 13/1/15

Very happy randy got in the hall of fame

posted on 13/1/15

Never thought Macho would get in

posted on 13/1/15


Now he's dead, a shoe in, doubt if he'd be there this year, or any year if he was still alive.

BIG rumours about him and Steph, he took advantage or seduced or forced himself on here or something. Impossible to find out the truth hence dozens of varying rumours.

posted on 13/1/15

If I had to pick 5 of the all time greats - and I mean "all time" then Savage would be in there for me.

Great wrestler, larger than life and great theme

posted on 14/1/15

"Though not official, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage expected to be announced tonite on Raw as the 1st inductee into the 2015 Hall of Fame Class," said WWE in the text blast.


Why tease what has obviously already been decided

comment by CDUBYA (U17121)

posted on 14/1/15

Amazing it has taken this long to get him in. One of the best.

comment by Kaiser (U1814)

posted on 14/1/15

Not sure if its public knowledge and ive missed it but why has it taken so long for a legend like Savage to be inducted?

posted on 14/1/15

Because of an alleged incident between him and a much young Stephanie McMhaon.


Randy Savage And Stephanie McMahon Affair : Full Story And Truth About WWE Scandal

November 5, 2013

The Stephanie McMahon and Randy Savage affair. It is the biggest wrestling urban legend around, and considering the lack of coverage in major wrestling sites / magazines, the rumour is widely known and discussed amongst wrestling fans. But is there any truth in the widely spread and widely hushed story that Randy Savage is black balled from the WWE because of an involvement with a Teenage Stephanie McMahon?

So what is the story? Well, for the past Twenty years, it has been whispered that in late 1993 a relationship developed between then 17 year old Stephanie McMahon and then 40 year old Randy Savage. A lot of discussion has been generated from this, with sources ranging from Wrestling Observer writer Dave Meltzer to Hulk Hogan all mentioning it and neither confirming or denying knowledge of it. There is no concrete answer to the truth of what happened, which in some ways suggests it isn’t true. If you think about it, surely someone from backstage would have came out by now and confirmed it. Unless they kept the relationship very secret, which is possible. On the recent Triple H DVD, Stephanie states that her and Hunter kept their relationship secret from everyone for a long time up until finally coming out with it. Perhaps Stephanie and Savage also had a lengthy secret liaison, with eventually only Vince McMahon finding out, leading to Savage being ostracized from the company.

The story has continued to circulate despite a lack of a concrete confirmation. The rumour states that Savage and Stephanie were involved through late 1993, and that is the reason Savage left the WWF abruptly in October 1994, presumably because Vince McMahon found out and was livid. Since Savage left, the WWF / WWE completely blackballed him, which further added credence to the story that Vince was furious because Savage was inappropriately involved with Steph. The fact is that in 2001 Randy Savage was a free agent, and as one of the most famous wrestlers ever, could have made Vince McMahon a lot of money for a nostalgia run. But McMahon showed no interest. In fact, the name “Randy Savage” was banned backstage at WWE events, and on one occasion the mention of Savage’s name by an unwitting worker was said to provoke a furious reaction from McMahon before he stormed away. The fact that Vince is so anti Savage for no particular reason further suggests a personal vendetta against his former star. To this day, Savage is still shunned from the WWE Hall of Fame, despite being arguably Vince’s second biggest star of the 80’s wrestling boom.

It has to be said, that when Savage tragically died in 2011, relations did ease somewhat. Vince released a short statement in which he acknowledged Savage was a “building block” in the WWE. Savage has been sporadically featured in promotional spots for video games and DVDs, WWE unable to avoid his legacy in that respect given his classic matches. Yet still no Hall of Fame spot, this despite other wrestlers who fell out with the McMahons getting welcomed back. Even Bret Hart eventually made up with McMahon and was given a Hall of fame spot. Which again begs the question, just what did Randy Savage do which was so bad? One of the most famous WWF wrestlers ever remains shunned from the company. Which is perhaps why the Stephanie Savage rumour is so plausible.

So then, what do the sources and evidence say that can help us give a conclusion to whether or not Randy Savage was banned from the WWE because of a relationship with Stephanie McMahon? Well, Pro Wrestling Press contacted both WWE and Stephanie McMahon directly. We never heard back. Randy Savage himself did however comment – Shortly before his death, Savage made an appearance on the “Hitman and Groberman Show” and said that he would like to wrestle Vince and acknowledged that Vince still had issues with him. During the interview, Savage was asked about the long standing rumour between he and Stephanie McMahon. Savage said that he didn’t remember what happened with Stephanie but did have some harsh words for Triple H in regards to the rumor.
“If Triple HHH has a problem with it, then he should call me out and we can deal with it man to man”.
From the horses mouth itself, that was certainly interesting. He didn’t deny it, and also challenged Triple H, which suggests there is something in it that he expects Triple H to have a problem. In Triple H’s recent DVD release, Stephanie mentions that it was controversial for her and Hunter to get together “because her Dad would be absolutely against it” and because she was banned from dating the talent. Perhaps that rule was brought in for the very reason that Vince was so angered by a relationship with Savage.
Hulk Hogan also commented on the Stephanie and Savage story, and again his comments only serve to weigh in favour of the rumour. Hogan appeared on the “Bubba the Love Sponge” radio show and a caller asked Hogan about this very rumour. Hogan tried to pretend like he didn’t know about it but quickly discussed the disdain that Vince McMahon still has toward Randy.
“What’s that got to do with anything, I mean Stephanie’s a grown woman. You know, Macho, his name has never been uttered again out of Vince McMahon’s mouth, and I’ve been back several times – the SummerSlam’s with Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton, the big RAW anniversary – and you’re right brother, ooh yeah, that Macho Man’s name has never been mentioned. If that’s true, maybe that’s the reason he never went back there. I’ll do a little digging around.”
Hogan’s reaction perhaps suggests he does know something but just didn’t want to burn bridges with McMahon. The fact he says that Stephanie is a grown woman, and at 17 she was, then that suggests Hogan is kind of saying who cares what Two adults got up to. Hogan also again supports the idea that McMahon is beyond furious with Savage for something at the very least.
There are other unconfirmed reports from former wrestlers endorsing validity in the rumour. Bob Holly is said to have described Stephanie and Savage as friendly, and Sean Waltman is said to have said he believes it happened.

Lets balance the evidence against. The McMahon Savage contract actually ended well, Savage’s contract ran out and Vince gave him his blessing to leave. He even gave Savage an on air send off. This suggests that Vince maybe only found out about an affair afterwards. There are others who say that the fallout was about money. Again, if this was the case then why would Vince have gave Savage a good send off, and why would he not have eventually brought Savage back like he did with Hogan.
The most respected wrestling journalist in the world is wrestling observers Dave Meltzer. He is the utmost authority on wrestling with several well placed sources. He had this to say on the rumour, “the reason for Vince’s contempt towards Savage must have occurred after 1996 — or Vince found out about something after 1996.”
Meltzer reported on F4WOnline.com that in late 1996, Savage’s WCW contract expired and Vince McMahon said he would take Savage back “with open arms,” but would “never ever” take Hulk Hogan back. Thus, something happened after that which changed Vince’s perception of Savage.
“Any explanation of why Vince hates Savage that has to do with something that Vince would have known pre-1996 is clearly balderdash,” wrote Meltzer. “Either something post-1996, or something he found out about post-1996.”

While the Stephanie allegation has never been verified, Meltzer reported two years ago that even top WWE officials believed the rumour to be fact, and it’s also his theory on why Vince hates Savage.
Meltzer expanded on his theory about Stephanie, saying: “I think that the reason is the same reason that everyone says. It’s the reason everyone in (WWE) says. It’s the reason that is the only one that makes any sense. So I think that’s the reason. I can’t come up with any other reason. I don’t know. I mean, I’ve heard that reason from so many people that are not internet rumourmongers, I mean people who – all I know is that within the company as far as the top people, they all believe it, and nobody knows for sure, because it’s never brought up.”
“When I first heard the story I didn’t believe it because I thought it was just some story, but then, and I mean even when people who are very high up in that company, after they left the company, would tell me that story I still didn’t believe it, but, you know, after a certain number of years when it’s just, you know, ideas are brought up for Randy Savage and the reaction – there’s something real, real bad because, let’s face it, I mean, I couldn’t count the number of times Vince said he would never do business with Hulk Hogan, and he always does. So, I don’t know…Actually, as time goes by, more people talk about it trying to say that it didn’t happen.”
The Meltzer comments are perhaps the definitive proof that something did happen. Meltzer knows his people, and he knows his stuff.
Still, there are those who still completely scoff at the idea that Randy Savage had a relationship with Stephanie McMahon. Roddy Piper has stated that the feud is because Savage slapped McMahon in a bar for undisclosed reasons. However, lets be honest, Bret Hart full on punched McMahon and was being courted back to the WWE just Nine years later.

So, what can Pro Wrestling Press conclude? Well firstly, we can end the rumour that Randy Savage had intercourse with an underage Stephanie McMahon, those sources who report that Savage slept with a Fourteen year old Steph are plain wrong. If the affair happened it was late 1993, so Steph was 17 and legally able.
There simply isn’t enough evidence to confirm the rumoured relationship. However, we can surmise that it is probably true given the comments of Savage himself and knowledgeable informer Dave Meltzer. It is an unlikely story, but completely plausible when you consider the fact that Savage is the only former WWE legend never to be brought back to the company or honored. Something went on to create the most intense bad blood behind Vince McMahon and a former employee in company history. Even Ultimate Warriror is back in Vince’s good books and said to be going into the Hall of Fame next year. It seems that something went on, which perhaps convinced Savage to run down his contract, and then Vince found out in 1996 and blackballed Savage from the company for life. Pro Wrestling Press’s conclusion about the Randy Savage and Stephanie McMahon affair is the same as Dave Meltzer’s , the reason that Randy Savage is so hated by Vince McMahon is the reason every one says it is.

comment by CDUBYA (U17121)

posted on 14/1/15

^^^ very interesting. Never heard this before.

posted on 14/1/15

Maybe Vince will write a book about his life and his side of the story. We are never to known.

posted on 15/1/15

It has to be said, that when Savage tragically died in 2011, relations did ease somewhat. Vince released a short statement in which he acknowledged Savage was a “building block” in the WWE.

Waited til he was dead before he acknowledged him, not hard to do when he's in the grave.

comment by Kaiser (U1814)

posted on 15/1/15

Very good and interesting read cheers.

I remember Macho Man as a young boy and he will always be remembered as a legend.

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