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posted on 25/6/15

I feel for you Mon, my wife gets them every month as part of her, erm, no sèx required stages. Hits her real bad, terrible pains around sinuses and eyes, off to a dark room for 12 hours. She also sometimes vomits as part of the deal. She takes migralieve which does help a little. She had a sinus op a few years back to help, but hasn't really.

posted on 25/6/15

Never had anything like that, sounds bad.

It must annoy you when people say they have a migrane when they just have a hangover (like people with a cold saying they have the flu)

posted on 25/6/15

Yeah WW, I referred toone if my wife's migraines as a headache a while back a That cost me I can tell you!

posted on 25/6/15

I actually meant to type headache not hangover, had a few myself last night, Freudian slip I reckon

posted on 25/6/15

I get migraines a lot and visit the dr quite frequently. They've put me on a few different meds but nothing ever seems to work. Luckily I don't suffer from the aura dtage

posted on 25/6/15

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posted on 25/6/15

I used to suffer a lot when I was a kid but thankfully they've gone. The good old trick of cap in sun is the best prevention as this is what triggers it if I do have the occasional one now.

posted on 25/6/15

jesus, I feel for you OP. sounds like a flipping heart attack

posted on 25/6/15

What I will say is when you a thirsty your body has been dehydrated for a while. You should top up on water regardless of if your thirsty already or not

posted on 25/6/15

So far in Ramadhan out of the 8 days so far I've had 2 migraines but didn't break my fasts. Unfortunately both resulted in vomiting

posted on 25/6/15

Have you ever gone to a chiropractor about your migraine? As it maybe a trapped nerve. I didn't believe chiropractors worked, I had 20 years of bad sleep (sleep walking, nightmares the lot) and had been to sleep clinics etc and nothing worked.

I went to the chiropractor and turned out a nerve was trapped in my neck. I now have perfect sleep . Just a suggestion, it might work?

posted on 25/6/15

Sounds like LSD not a migrane

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 25/6/15

I suffer, mostly the aura stage, the headaches are rarely painful but I do feel drained, sick and hungry all at once. I suffer mostly when the weather is close or changing. Never had them until recently but now they are fairly regular.

comment by Biglaa (U5954)

posted on 25/6/15

I get them from time to time. I wouldn't say they're particularly painful, unless I cough or something - then it feels like my head is under too much pressure and can be painful. For me I can tell it's coming on because I start to lose the feeling in my hands, and then after a while I'm effectively blind, I only have peripheral vision and can't see anything I'm looking directly at. Scary as hell the first time it happened!

posted on 25/6/15

Luckilty for me mine seem preventable by drinking water and keeping hydrated,
I feel for people who have them more regular as they can be quite scary,

The symptoms can also feel like stroke symptoms as the start,

butt he sort of hallucination and changes in perception are very very wierd

posted on 25/6/15

comment by Biglaa (U5954)
posted 2 minutes ago
I get them from time to time. I wouldn't say they're particularly painful, unless I cough or something - then it feels like my head is under too much pressure and can be painful. For me I can tell it's coming on because I start to lose the feeling in my hands, and then after a while I'm effectively blind, I only have peripheral vision and can't see anything I'm looking directly at. Scary as hell the first time it happened!

posted on 25/6/15

comment by long term listener, first time caller (U19858)
posted 21 minutes ago
Have you ever gone to a chiropractor about your migraine? As it maybe a trapped nerve. I didn't believe chiropractors worked, I had 20 years of bad sleep (sleep walking, nightmares the lot) and had been to sleep clinics etc and nothing worked.

I went to the chiropractor and turned out a nerve was trapped in my neck. I now have perfect sleep . Just a suggestion, it might work?
great response, I go to a chiropractor. Havnt had a cold or anything in the 2 years I been going.

posted on 25/6/15

Seems i am similar to jfdi - the aura stage is the most disruptive to me and the head aches although a little painful are bearable. I used to have the vomit stage as a child but seem to have grown out of this thank god. Mine seems to be linked with sleep and stress, and only thing that seems to work for me is ibuprofen, all the migraine drugs dont work

posted on 25/6/15

Had massive problems with them before Christmas, 2-3/attacks a day at times

Put on about 3 types of medication and told to cut out cheese and chocolate from my diet. I'm off the medication now but I still can't have cheese or chocolate

posted on 25/6/15

comment by Don't Click (U14639)
posted 1 minute ago
Had massive problems with them before Christmas, 2-3/attacks a day at times

Put on about 3 types of medication and told to cut out cheese and chocolate from my diet. I'm off the medication now but I still can't have cheese or chocolate
----------------------------------------------------------------------cheese and chocolate are the best things

id love for the doc to say, "your eating way to much lettuce, cut that out"

comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 25/6/15

The aura stage freaked me the feck out, like i could see through people. I used to get them in high school. I think it was related to me eyesight though as i got them behind the eye with perfect sight that was being overused. Has been fine since i got glasses for short sightedness

posted on 25/6/15

I've only had a couple. The first one happened during a football match, I had no idea what was going on but I essentially saw a kaleidoscope effect wherever my focus was. This made kicking the ball pretty hard!

It wasn't too painful and the headache came n went after a decent sleep.

I know some people who have an awful time with them though.

posted on 25/6/15

Afternoon Ladies

posted on 25/6/15

comment by TheChameleonProject (U1847)
posted 37 minutes ago
Afternoon Ladies

posted on 25/6/15

I get them quite frequently and like photo's wife usually around my monthly fun although not always. Other things that bring it on are not getting enough sleep or not eating enough. Had seen a few docs in the past but the last one I saw, a while ago now, was the best. Best piece of advice he gave was that when you have a migraine your body can't break down the tablets as it would normally and so prescribed me anti-nausea tablets. I take those and then take either strong migraine tablets or headache tablets depending on how bad it is. Luckily don't get the aura ones but the ones I do get are bad enough! Definitely frustrating when people don't understand and just think you have a headache. If you're lucky enough to have never had them be thankful cos they suck!

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