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Bradford V Peterborough

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posted on 25/9/15

Westley is certainly no-nonsense! I think the new manager syndrome will help you to a win tomorrow.

We're total garbage at the moment, hopefully we'll at least not lose tomorrow and stop the rot!

posted on 25/9/15

Colchester are on the up at the moment, Don, so a toughie tomorrow. A toughie also for Snapski's Barnsley against Gillingham. You will both have home advantage, which should help. Bonne chance!

posted on 26/9/15

Westley says he plans an evolution not a revolution, so hopefully his softly softly approach today will result in a win or draw today.

C'mon the Posh!

posted on 26/9/15

I've followed City for too long to make any predictions about today's match. If you flood your midfield it could be 1-0 either way.

I was impressed with Gillingham at Valley Parade, particularly Dack.

I have read Westley's comments about his QPR career and am bemused that Terry Venables" picked him". He must have been 14 or 15 when the manager moved to Barcelona!

I won't be down for this match but will listen to the commentary via "Player"

posted on 26/9/15

A perfect start for Westie, who gave a good post-match interview praising his team and the contribution of McCann.

We have the players capable of winning us promotion and maybe now the manager capable of leading them there. The game against highflying Bury on Tuesday will provide a further indicator of our capabilities.

Bantam, I think your decision not to travel down to Valley Parade from Edinburgh was the right one. It wasn't to be Bradford's day against a resurgent Posh.

P.S. I'm also a Dack admirer.

comment by snapski (U6702)

posted on 27/9/15

Comfortable win for us, although Gills hit the post in injury time. They were rough, very rough and Deadman was simply awful.
We don't play midweek as there's a roofing conference on at the Ricoh!!!
Onto Donny next Saturday, as we slowly begin to gel as a team.

posted on 27/9/15

I said you'd win Thorney, great stuff. You're becoming a force to be reckoned with.

Our woes continue, the way things are going I can see us losing at Blackpool next Saturday which would be the ultimate humiliation.

'Football, bloody hell'

posted on 28/9/15

The tide will turn, Don, at Blackpool. Colchester were tricky opponents on the up: Blackpool are very much on the down.

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