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These 15 comments are related to an article called:

E3 Hype Train!

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posted on 19/5/16

Sony will have to work hard to top last years sensational showing!

I think a New Elder scrolls game will be announced (Valenwood if the internet rumours to be believed)

posted on 19/5/16

FF7 Release date this year - wish

I hope Resident evil 7 is good... 6 was utterly dreadful and I traded it in.. I completed all the others and wasn't even bothered to do 6 because it was so shlt

posted on 19/5/16

VR will be the major player this year, with it launching in October I would be surprised if Sony hasn't been keeping some secrets, Neo, I'm with you will be primarilly a VR device.

Another Crash Bandicoot game seems to be ready to be announced and surely TLOU 2 will make some sort of appearance.

VR will be Sony's biggest push this year and I'm ready

posted on 19/5/16

Naughty Dog were supposedly working on TLOU2 but subsequently delayed the developments to work on UC4.

posted on 19/5/16

A different team from Naughty Dog worked on the original TLOU, the focus will shift to TLOU 2 and work will begin on their next game

posted on 19/5/16

You playing UC4, Amiga?

posted on 19/5/16

Well sort of Raptor, I'm playing it with my daughter, but since she is at work and out a lot, we haven't got very far.

Just started Madagascar, so a little way through it.

posted on 19/5/16

Well the only Bethesda can top last years is by announcing ES game for fall. Unfortunately I think the earliest it will be out is end of 2017 so if im to be honest im expecting no ES stuff this year....this also follow Bethesda general release strategy and considering Fallout 4 is going so well also. Hope im wrong though.

posted on 19/5/16

TLOU2 will be there at the Sony confrence. Usually within a month of releasing their last game we get some info on their next

However, Amiga TLOU2 = no crash, but im sure you can find other ways to enjoy crash on your ps4

posted on 19/5/16

Still in Scotland me
I am finding the gun combat quite tricky and I am dying an awful lot, but its good because I want this game to last as long as possible. .

posted on 19/5/16

I thought the NEO was the PS 4.5 machine that was rumoured to be flying about

posted on 19/5/16

It's all the same thing Gunner, also known as PS4K, at this point it's all rumour, nothing has been said by Sony which is why I haven't posted anything about it.

I'm sure E3 will clear a few things up.

posted on 23/5/16

more fallout 4 dlc please . am i the only one who thinks vr will flop remember about 25 years a go they where saying its the next big thing and never took off .

posted on 23/5/16

Yeh sling you prob are especially since the huge difference is now the tech has caught up and become affordable - and in the future will only get cheaper.

posted on 14/6/16

3.5 out of 5 aint bad My last guardian one was always a little silly

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