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BBALL 23/24 official thread

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comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 29/5/23


posted on 29/5/23

TNTs inside is hilarious but it’s terrible analysis, there isn’t too many good analysts out there. Reddick is good and Zach Lowe is the best

posted on 29/5/23

I wonder if Tatum has texted Kobe

posted on 30/5/23

posted on 30/5/23

Brown is such a bum, Tatum absolutely nailed himself and is playing with more heart than Jaylen - whose only contribution has been to smash someone in the face with his elbow for the 422nd time this season

posted on 30/5/23

The heat btw

Greatest playoff run I’ve ever seen

posted on 30/5/23

Boston, what a let down. Heat keep making history, Denver in 5.

posted on 30/5/23


posted on 30/5/23

Where is Top Lad?

posted on 30/5/23

Caleb Martin becoming all-star quality is amazing.

I think the Celtics need a refresh of the team, while Muzzula hasn’t been amazing they have the same offensive inconsistency no matter who the manager is. I’d be curious to see what both parties would think about a Jaylen+Brogdon+pick for Embiid trade would be.

posted on 30/5/23

Jaylen career high TO was astonishing. How does someone at such a high level loose the ball due to no dribbling skills. I think they'd be better of trading for sure

posted on 30/5/23

Apparently he hurt his hand a doing dunk vs Philly which would have had an effect, but he is poor at driving into traffic - especially going onto his left

posted on 1/6/23

Denver in 6.

Almost put down 5 but I think Miami's momentum coming into this series might make this last a bit longer.

Jaylen Brown to Houston along with Harden. we play a Harden/Green/Brown backcourt (fingers crossed)

posted on 1/6/23

Nah I'm just kidding. 3 ball dominant guards is a recipe for disaster lmao

I want Brown over Harden though for us and I'm sure he wants to reunite with Ude

posted on 2/6/23


Ja gonna be faaaaaaacked

posted on 2/6/23

Rockets ain’t doing sugar honey ice tea son.

I think Nuggs in 5 btw

posted on 2/6/23

We're doing purple drank ice tea instead

Jokic is amazing, can't say this enough. Man looks like he's just playing around the whole game

posted on 2/6/23

Jokic is legit the best player in the league. It’s a shame he’s not playing for a bigger market team to really get the credit a lot sooner

posted on 2/6/23

You’ve just reminded me that Liquid Genius is gonna be amazing when the Nuggets win the finals.

posted on 3/6/23

posted on 5/6/23

Big win

posted on 5/6/23

Surprised by the result. We’ve got a series on our hands

posted on 5/6/23

huge win, however the way the nuggets ate up that lead, I can still see them going 4-1 /4-2

posted on 5/6/23

Yeah Heat shot lights-out (as they often have this playoffs) but it was the Nuggets stupid mistakes (3 or 4 3-point shots fouled, Greens idiotic minutes around the 4th, MPJ forgetting how to shoot).

A little bit of fine tuning and they are good, all they need to win is 1 of the next 2

posted on 5/6/23

Heat have been good on home court, hopefully they’ll make it a competitive series with that in mind.

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