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These 345 comments are related to an article called:

Official JA606 US Elections Thread

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posted on 8/11/16

".. providing affordable healthcare for millions."

Is that actually true though? Most of the mentions I've seen of this indicate it is pretty far from 'affordable'.

posted on 8/11/16

Obama's legacy is the rise of a candidate like Trump, and only Hillary to stop him

comment by (U18543)

posted on 8/11/16

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comment by Kuki (U6289)

posted on 8/11/16

It isn't! And you're fined if you don't sign up for it...but still expensive enough that many willingly accept the fine rather than sign up.

comment by Kuki (U6289)

posted on 8/11/16

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posted on 8/11/16

As with Brexit part of me wants Trump to win just so I can watch the world burn.

posted on 8/11/16

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posted on 8/11/16

Trump "Im a democrat, but if i were to ever stand for president, id stand as a republican, as they would believe anything you say" (paraquote)

Sums it up quite nicely.

comment by Kuki (U6289)

posted on 8/11/16

comment by Galvs. (U10415)
posted about a minute ago
He has 'tried'.....but he has presided with the un-seen hand-brake on......
He has conformed like everyone before him........the system is wrong...
That is why a change in approach is needed!

posted on 8/11/16

Obama is the liberals wet dream him just being black is enough for him doing a good job makes them feel less guilty about being white.

The fact is he's spent 8 years playing golf, getting mugged off by Putin, blaming the Bush administration and leaving America more divided than it's ever been

And Obamacare is far from affordable.

posted on 8/11/16

Probably the two worst candidates for POTUS in history. It almost comes down to I'm voting for her, because she's not Trump, Vs. I'm voting for him because he's not Clinton.

Clinton will win, I hope, as she's ahead in the key swing states, but I was on business in the US a couple of months ago, and it's not really reported over here in the UK just how little she's liked. Mainly Trump is going to lose however, as he's running as Trump.

posted on 8/11/16

comment by HenrysCat (U3608)
posted 2 minutes ago
".. providing affordable healthcare for millions."

Is that actually true though? Most of the mentions I've seen of this indicate it is pretty far from 'affordable'.
It's income based. The less you earn the less you pay as it'll be subsidized. Many a person I work with who are on social security receive free insurance. Others earning a living may have to pay but about 75% can be subsidized. So maybe $100 per month

That's just a real world example though, rather than rhetoric based on nothing

posted on 8/11/16

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posted on 8/11/16

IMO this election has little to do with ‘normal’ politics.

HC is a poor choice but crucially knows how to govern. Only a few months ago DT was exposed (during the GOP debates) as having little or no understand on a host of matters. He does not accept advice, instruction, nor has the intellect to be in any form of public office.

HC may be a less than favourable choice but when compared to DT there shouldn’t even be a decision to make.

posted on 8/11/16

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posted on 8/11/16

There are actually two other candidates.....

Which I know virtually zero about

I know one is a man, possibly called Gary, who got stumped by a question about a place I forget. That is the total sum of my knowledge

posted on 8/11/16

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posted on 8/11/16

I wish it was Sean Paul v Bernie Mac

posted on 8/11/16

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comment by (U18543)

posted on 8/11/16

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posted on 8/11/16

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posted on 8/11/16

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posted on 8/11/16

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comment by (U18543)

posted on 8/11/16

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comment by Gunner (U9500)

posted on 8/11/16

Trumps supporters will probably start a civil war if he isn't elected

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