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These 20 comments are related to an article called:

Hindsight is a wonderful thing

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posted on 5/12/16



comment by Gunner (U9500)

posted on 5/12/16


posted on 5/12/16

Term should bloody well know by now he we like to collapse

posted on 5/12/16

Fack me. I saw that comment and it was very tongue in cheek. Why don't you provide a link so people can see the context

Its happening again, rival fans going bonkers over LFC, bookmarking sheet and hanging on our words . Happens every time we look good while at the same time they tell us were are a relic that no one bothers with anymore.

No other club elicits these extremely emoional reactions from rivals.Its understandable for England's greatest club though.

Now watch the bites...

posted on 5/12/16

Wow we lost a game.

posted on 5/12/16

comment by Mamba - If it looks like a duck , swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck , then it is a duck (U1282)
posted 8 minutes ago
Fack me. I saw that comment and it was very tongue in cheek. Why don't you provide a link so people can see the context

Its happening again, rival fans going bonkers over LFC, bookmarking sheet and hanging on our words. Happens every time we look good while at the same time they tell us were are a relic that no one bothers with anymore.

No other club elicits these extremely emoional reactions from rivals.Its understandable for England's greatest club though.

Now watch the bites...

posted on 5/12/16

comment by Gunner (U9500)
posted 31 minutes ago
can you remember or have you forgotten the time you were 4nil up against Newcastle

posted on 5/12/16

You could see the body language of Klopp, he knew what was coming when Young Sterling came on for Bournemouth.

I knew from the day he got the post at Goodison Ine was destined for big things

comment by Neo (U9135)

posted on 5/12/16

The Arsenal kids are out in full force I see, bit early for the Christmas holidays to have started.

posted on 5/12/16



posted on 5/12/16

comment by Arouna Jagielka oooh I wanna take ya, Heitinga... (U1308)
posted 12 minutes ago
You could see the body language of Klopp, he knew what was coming when Young Sterling came on for Bournemouth.

I knew from the day he got the post at Goodison Ine was destined for big things
sterling had a great game

posted on 5/12/16

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 5/12/16

Wow, only just seen this

It shows just how good they all think we are for them to get this excited over one loss

posted on 5/12/16

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 5/12/16

comment by Galvs (U10415)
posted 1 minute ago
It's just hilarious to see you lot getting some backand hating it...like it shouldn't happen to special Liverpool.
We're not hating it at all. It's all in your head, saddo

posted on 5/12/16

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 5/12/16

comment by Redvalk (U14242)
posted 2 hours, 30 minutes ago
comment by Arouna Jagielka oooh I wanna take ya, Heitinga... (U1308)
posted 12 minutes ago
You could see the body language of Klopp, he knew what was coming when Young Sterling came on for Bournemouth.

I knew from the day he got the post at Goodison Ine was destined for big things
sterling had a great game

Ah, my fat fingers confused you!

You could see the body language of Klopp, he knew what was coming when Young Sterling came on for Bournemouth.

I knew from the day he hit the post at Goodison Ibe was destined for big things.

You remember Ibe? the player who was going to be better than Sterling and the reason you could let Sterling go to City?

posted on 5/12/16

comment by Arouna Jagielka oooh I wanna take ya, Heitinga Nikica come on pretty mama (U1308)
posted 5 hours ago
comment by Redvalk (U14242)
posted 2 hours, 30 minutes ago
comment by Arouna Jagielka oooh I wanna take ya, Heitinga... (U1308)
posted 12 minutes ago
You could see the body language of Klopp, he knew what was coming when Young Sterling came on for Bournemouth.

I knew from the day he got the post at Goodison Ine was destined for big things
sterling had a great game

Ah, my fat fingers confused you!

You could see the body language of Klopp, he knew what was coming when Young Sterling came on for Bournemouth.

I knew from the day he hit the post at Goodison Ibe was destined for big things.

You remember Ibe? the player who was going to be better than Sterling and the reason you could let Sterling go to City?
45 mil plus 13 mil in place we got firm and mane. great piece of business from us thanks.

posted on 6/12/16

I've been quite shocked with the amount of LaL articles at us after a bonkers game that we rightfully lost. Manager, players and fans all agree we deserved to lose and congratulated Bournemouth. Are we scaring other clubs that much? Months of inactivity accounts are being reopened to post just on the LFC board?

Feck me we must be doing good boys!!!

Oh no wait we are being told we are hating this and so angry, grrrr!!!

How dare they lose 1game! Klopp is a flop. Write that 100times with l°serpool and a laugh emoji annnnnnnnnnnd send... That will get them ruffled!

Thanks for your messages on our board. Keep them coming have cheered us sensible fans right up. We are playing exciting attacking football. Fun to actually watch on TV rather then negative football.

Is it perfect? Of course not. No football team is perfect. But compare us to 12months ago my word how we've changed! So thanks for the constant hate filled messages keep them salty words coming gives us validation that what we are doing is the right path. Seems too many people forget to just enjoy the game much sadder and depressing issues facing us in the real world that we need to combat in 2017.

posted on 6/12/16

Crazy game which happens occasionally. We were what 3 millimetres from 4-1 yet lost?

Need to learn from it and move on. It is interesting how we are suddenly seen as such a threat with all and sundry banging on about it

We have a lot of improving still to do. As a fan its great to see JK having a positive impact and moving the team forward but he can't do everything in 2 bits of different seasons. More time and tweaks, who knows what can happen

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