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Deluded if you think

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posted on 15/12/16

We are like a flip flop, 1 week good the next not so good at all. Lets not disquise this with our run of wins, we were lucky on several ocassions.

Anyway, my point is the flip flop IMO just reflects our inconsistent performances and until thats sorted i agree we will not win the title.

Saying that, on our day with everyone performing we are a very good team. I have a sneaky we might have a better chance winning the Champions League if we turn up to all the knockout stages.

comment by Gunner (U9500)

posted on 15/12/16

Scraped many wins this season and lots of people say that showed character and mental strength. No it didn't, it showed we were lucky and very poor to be scraping victories against teams such as Swansea and Burnley

posted on 15/12/16

I don't know any arsenal fans who thought we'd win the league. None whose balls have dropped, anyway.

posted on 15/12/16

I've been saying this for years. We're not going to win the league this year either or anytime soon.

posted on 15/12/16

I dont know why you think Xhaka is a defensive mid because he is poor defensively and Coq has been one of our best players

comment by Gunner (U9500)

posted on 15/12/16

What is Xhaka then? He's not an attacking midfielder, he's not box to box. Frankly he seems like a player that we didn't need to spend 35m on!!

posted on 15/12/16

“Deluded” if you think Arsenal are not in with a chance of winning the league.

Come January, and if we are out of sight, fair enough, can then make a reasonable assessment.

posted on 15/12/16

I can't stand these knee-jerk reactions because of one defeat. Totally over the top. We are clearly better than years gone by and able to cope with injuries due to squad strength.

Suggest the OP's opinion is based on 17 year old Twitter users rather than actually attending any matches.

We are improved and I can see no reason at all why we won't be right up there until the end competing.

posted on 15/12/16

I can't stand these knee-jerk reactions because of one defeat. Totally over the top. We are clearly better than years gone by and able to cope with injuries due to squad strength.
Exactly, listening to talksport and looking on this site,after our 1st away defeat of the season, you would have thought we just got relegated

posted on 15/12/16

We ain't man enough to win the league like Chelsea.

posted on 15/12/16

comment by The Gin Palace (U21084)
posted 45 minutes ago
I can't stand these knee-jerk reactions because of one defeat. Totally over the top. We are clearly better than years gone by and able to cope with injuries due to squad strength.

Suggest the OP's opinion is based on 17 year old Twitter users rather than actually attending any matches.

We are improved and I can see no reason at all why we won't be right up there until the end competing.

It’s typical of the sense of entitlement adopted by some. Arsenal will lose games, just like our rivals will too.

It’s strange that (in general – on here anyway) football fans can run down their own side/players, (when engaging with fellow supporters).

But as soon as rival makes similar criticisms, fans will in turn, defend the very same player(s) they previously panned…

Strange lot football fans sometimes

posted on 15/12/16

Arsenal 7th for shots and 7th for shots on target but 2nd for goals Arsenal 7th best for shots against them and 8th best for shots on target against.

posted on 15/12/16

I should add joint 4th best for goals against.

posted on 15/12/16

Wow, are there any stats you can't lay your hands to Hafi?

posted on 16/12/16

comment by Posh Mufc Great Hafi Not Arrogant Just Better (U6578)
posted 21 hours, 23 minutes ago
Arsenal 7th for shots and 7th for shots on target but 2nd for goals Arsenal 7th best for shots against them and 8th best for shots on target against.
irrelevant but thanks (I think)

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