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These 138 comments are related to an article called:

North vs South

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posted on 8/4/17

I do like the fact it's warmer in London though. Not hot by any means, but in the summer then it's, say, 23 degrees in London it'll be about 17 up north

posted on 8/4/17

Northerners are nicer, harder, more honest and more patient.

These are facts.

posted on 8/4/17

comment by palmers_spur - you have a woman's hand my lord (U8896)
posted 2 hours, 59 minutes ago
I do like the fact it's warmer in London though. Not hot by any means, but in the summer then it's, say, 23 degrees in London it'll be about 17 up north
London is very warm. As for every degree you have a foot per square inch of diesel fumes and smog clogging your pours. Adds another few degrees easy.

posted on 23/5/17

comment by Babyen møtte snikmorder (U9094)
posted on 7/4/17
North is safer from terrorist attacks too.
So naive.

posted on 23/5/17

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)

posted 1 hour, 21 minutes ago

comment by Babyen møtte snikmorder (U9094)
posted on 7/4/17
North is safer from terrorist attacks too.
So naive."

not really.

Most attacks are still in the south; London.

Not something to be shouting about right now though

posted on 23/5/17

Of course it is naive. No big city is safe from such attacks. The North is not safer from terrorist attacks at all.

posted on 23/5/17

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)

posted 2 minutes ago

Of course it is naive. No big city is safe from such attacks. The North is not safer from terrorist attacks at all."

Yes it is for the simple reason it has less high profile targets and city centres are far smaller.

Don't you think there would be more attacks in the north were this not the case?

posted on 23/5/17

There have been as many attacks on the North of Britain as the South though.
Terrorists attacks on Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol and so on show that to think it is a London thing is naive.

posted on 23/5/17

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 2 minutes ago
There have been as many attacks on the North of Britain as the South though.
Terrorists attacks on Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol and so on show that to think it is a London thing is naive.


Sorry but that's just not true. And they haven't had such devastating affect either.

No point in going on about it. You choose one version and I another.

posted on 23/5/17

Bristol is north of Britain lmao

posted on 23/5/17

No one said Bristol was North you halfwit.

posted on 23/5/17

 And they haven't had such devastating affect either. 
After 7/7 the next two biggest death tolls came in Manchester and Birmingham.

posted on 23/5/17

Total victims.

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