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These 33 comments are related to an article called:

Ronaldo Fangirls

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posted on 24/4/17

Are you hiding?
Are you in vacation?
Are you busy?
Are you tired?
Are you there?
Where are you?
Why are you quiet?


The category is: Things his teammates ask Ozil at Half Time.

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 24/4/17

A net full of rival reds. Big catch OP. Well done. 5 stars from me

posted on 24/4/17

Was this written by a Messi fan girl or just a girl?

posted on 24/4/17

comment by kneerash-23 Cara Gold (U6876)
posted 5 hours, 49 minutes ago
comment by Red Russian (U4715)
posted 35 minutes ago
Latching on to the reflected glory of the team you support in order to boost self-esteem is sad enough. Latching on to Messi's superiority over Ronaldo to feel like you're better than people who latch on to Ronaldo really does suggest you could take a long hard look at your life.
OP just got reked
Maybe but the above applies to all the idiot fanboys on both sides, not just the OP

posted on 24/4/17

where are these CR7 fangirls you speak of?
I wonder whether the OP thinks this was such a good idea.
they'll most probably double down and go down with the sinking ship for pride sake, rather than just admit this was a bad idea of an 'article'.
seems like the OP is stuck in 2010!!

posted on 24/4/17

comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 1 hour, 45 minutes ago
where are these CR7 fangirls you speak of?
I wonder whether the OP thinks this was such a good idea.
they'll most probably double down and go down with the sinking ship for pride sake, rather than just admit this was a bad idea of an 'article'.
seems like the OP is stuck in 2010!!

Maybe the OP has a new found bravado after the massive success of his own club, going from strength to strength. Elevated from fourth place trophy winners to FA cup finalists.

I wonder what day he's celebrating when spurs can't catch them in the league....?

posted on 2/5/17


posted on 2/5/17

Well guess that's the OP humbled thats left him doing the walk of shame with his oxtail between his legs...

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