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7+ Reasons to be depressed

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posted on 1/5/17

You are right Don. But it's the same both ways, if we play poorly in a game and come on here to rant, or moan or just give an opinion,then flack comes the other way.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 1/5/17

comment by The Lambeau Leap (U21050)
posted 12 minutes ago
comment by LQ (U6305)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by The Lambeau Leap (U21050)
posted 1 minute ago
An interesting stat:

Man Utd have managed more corners at home this season than they have away from Old Trafford.

Make of that what you will.
Watch it haf won't take this lightly

I'm hoping the fact that I avoided saying the amount of corners we've had a Old Trafford suggests that we would win the league if corners were goals, and that should've had 27 more points at home in games we've dominated the corners stats, will be enough of a deviation from his approach to get me off the hook.
Playing a dangerous game dude watch your back

posted on 1/5/17

comment by The Lambeau Leap (U21050)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 32 seconds ago

14. Over Reliance on a 35 year old midfielder

You leave Fergie out of this!

I was criticised for this too by the robbie

posted on 1/5/17

I less comment (not anymore) than the 7+ reasons to be cheerful article

Make if that what you will

posted on 1/5/17

See how easy it is to pick and choose.


MU52, my article was entitled "7 reasons to be optimistic"...It stands to reason that I would "pick and choose" things that put positive spin on things. It was aimed at people who only see negatives out of this season. Anyone is perfectly entitled to create an highlighting the opposite or argue the points I made in my article e.g.

1. Our leading goal scorer is a crock
Zlatan was always a short term solution, and his injury has given Rashford the opportunity to play in his favoured position in which time he has excelled.

2. Much of our football is turgid
SOME of our football has been turgid. In the vast majority of our draws at Old Trafford we have been wasteful. Recently as injuries have hit us at the tail end of the season our performance levels have dropped off. Most likely a mixture of tactics changes by the manager to simply "get results" and individuals being missing through injury/suspension.

3. The worlds most expensive footballer has been good to mediocre. Needs to improve.
Absolutely fair point, but I would argue that our worst displays at home have come when Pogba has been sidelined, so he clearly adds something to the team, and afterall that's all that matters.

4. Mikki has only impressed in cup games
Again absolutely fair point, he's been pretty awful in the league at times, on the other hand does offer us a goal threat.

5. We don't score many
Absolutely cannot be argued that we don't score many. Where we have improved though is chance creation (recent games certainly not so much). Our players are getting in the right positions and we seem to be able to get the ball to them but our finishing is woeful and we have had some pretty awesome GK displays go against us at home this season. That won't last forever, luck will change and other players will be brought in.

6. No youngsters blooded
Again an area of frustration for me also. A perfect chance for this was the early stages of the EL however, I believe our patchy league results put pay to this. I expect if we are in EL next year, all focus will be on the league, and young lads will be blooded in EL. What I would say is many of the Anti-Jose brigade at the start of the season feared for the future of Rashford in particular.

7. No wingers and none in sight.
Correct. Been a long time since we had a winger that could get to the by-line and cut back a cross. A long time. Makes me very nostalgic. Having said that, how many teams play with wingers these days? I'm not saying it's correct in anyway, just seems to be the way football is at the moment.

8. Touch and go as to whether we make top 4 after spending a fortune.

Yes was a fortune that was spent in the summer and I agree we should be doing better with the squad we have. However, the guy has had two transfer windows to sort out deficiencies in a squad that was lacking in so many areas. My point is, better to get the right players in bit by bit at bigger money (afterall we still have a budget), than the wrong players in to fill positions just because they cost less. Also Jose may have looked at certain positions in the summer and thought "perhaps, I don't need a winger or a left back", but subsequent displays have changed his mind.

9. Manager permanently miserable.
Perhaps he's "miserable" because he expects better in his and his players performances. I suspect, a lot of people would take umbrage if he was walking around joking with reporters after a tenth home league draw.

posted on 1/5/17

comment by Don Draper's dandruff (U20155)
posted 2 hours, 9 minutes ago
comment by manusince52 (U9692)
We are nowhere near perfect, better to just admit it.

as far as i can see every single poster on here admits that we are far from perfect.

but for some reason the debate, that started as a simple "reasons to be cheerful", always ends up with people accusing anyone with a tiny bit of positivity as drinking the kool aid/succumbing to the cult of jose/breakfasting on the contents of jose's rectum.

every single time.

some posters can't find anything good to say - jose plays rashford a lot, he doesn't count as an LVG discovery; get to a EL semi, doesn't count, weak opposition; win the milk cup, doesn't count, joke cup, and worth less than the FA Cup LVG won and so on and so on.

At least mex has had the decency to admit that he hates jose more than he loves united, but some people on here seem so happy to wallow in misery on a permanent basis that you wonder why they bother.
Absolute and utter tosh. I paid 100s of pounds to go watch the team play. This idea here that people are miserable and want the team to lose is utter nonsense. I must need my head examined if i paid all that money and travelled all that way to hate on Jose ffs. I have supported this team since I started watching football, i am not sure anyone hates mourinho so much that they would want united to lose. If the village idiots next season write articles stating, " I told you so", as we have improved and are competing, trust me the likes of myself and MUDD would be as happy as anyone else.

posted on 1/5/17

comment by manusince52 (U9692)
posted 3 hours, 11 minutes ago
I'm not depressed really, it was a riposte to the positive article. Just showing it's easy to pick points for and against. We have a good chance in the Europa precisely because we are so hard to beat.

I di think next year will be better. But the defence of the manager/team is a little unrealistic. We are nowhere near perfect, better to just admit it.
Jose has a great record and will almost certainly improve us and win things.
This is though, not one person have from what I've seen has said we are perfect or anywhere near. We've had a mixed bag. Some good displays, some awful displays, and yes a bit of bad luck (and some good).

I agree it's easy to pick points to point to a certain argument. But I believe I've picked up mostly on factual information apart from the last point which I freely admitted was an unknown. I too believe we will get better, we have to or Jose is in trouble.

posted on 1/5/17

comment by ManUtdDaredevil (U9612)
posted 3 hours, 27 minutes ago
Superb article which is factual

5 stars

posted on 1/5/17

as for goalscoring, i posted this curiosity on another thread: away from home, united have scored more goals (27) than spurs, 1 less than pool, and 2 less than chelsea, with games in hand on all of them (city lead the way on 38).

which is odd no?

Not at all imo.

We struggle at home when teams play more defensively against us...when teams allow us more space away from home we tend to play better and create more.

I.e. our style of play is more predictable and reliant on the opposition coming at us. By contrast, our rivals are better equipped to break teams down at home than we are.

This is exactly why so many teams play that way against us at OT - they know we can't handle it.

posted on 1/5/17

Mumbai. Your article was better than mine, more thought out. My riposte certainly wasn't to get at you, it was partly tongue in cheek,and partly as a result of seeing two poor games on the run. Also I think, as always.,there are plusses and minuses.

posted on 2/5/17

Fair enough 52. Hopefully we can win the EL, get CL football back and build on that. This season will be a huge learning curve for Jose. This club is special has to, he has to prove he's big enough and talented enough to get us back to where we need to be.

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