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If we won the league but not the cup?

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posted on 1/5/17

I'd be upset if we lose but I'd get over it probably after like a week. Stuff like that can happen.

Losing the league from this position though, especially to Tottenham, would be unbearable. Even winning the cup couldn't cure that wound. So the reverse situation would be worse.

posted on 1/5/17

comment by Cesc + Costa - Antonio Conte, the King. (U21341)
posted 12 minutes ago
I'd be upset if we lose but I'd get over it probably after like a week. Stuff like that can happen.

Losing the league from this position though, especially to Tottenham, would be unbearable. Even winning the cup couldn't cure that wound. So the reverse situation would be worse.
Fair comment Wahl and one I agree with – for once

But I think my scenario (without meaning to jinx us) is more likely than the reverse now. Well it is in theory……..

comment by Obers (U3904)

posted on 1/5/17

I love the FA Cup but it is a bonus. The bread and butter is the league and I will be absolutely gutted if we lose the league from here. I think it would actually break me

Having said that if we win the league and then lose the cup final I think all Chelsea fans will be a bit disappointed following, but we'll get over it

posted on 1/5/17

To lose the title to Sours from this position is simply unthinkable. I hope our players knows this is not an option, fight for every inch for the title if it needs be.

We're in final against a side that are going through a very difficult period. On paper we are favourites to win the FA cup, but you never know which Arsenal turns up on the day.

First, have to make sure to secure the title first though, treat all the remaiming games like cup.finals, and then think about the FA cup final.

posted on 1/5/17

If it meant Wenger stayed another two years on the back of a cup win...I'd take it....grudgingly

I cannot even comprehend losing the league now

posted on 2/5/17

i wud want chelsea to win both

i dislike arsenal becos of their manager

he is the most arrogant man in the pl

the title is chelsea
credit to spurs for taking it to the wire and for being a great competitor in the pl title race but overall chelsea deserve to win it.

im really happy to see chelsea vs spurs being tasty feisty matches in the future esp afer what happened last season.

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