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Mbappe calculated risk or too risky?

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posted on 6/6/17

It won't make a blind bit of difference to the fans what the fee is.
It won't be cheaper or dearer to watch football,so pay what the club can afford and get on with it.

posted on 6/6/17

Why do you always tag random teams into your articles?

I'd say it depends on just how much he scouts have watched him. Most on here will say he's going to be the next Neymar but that's based on probably 4 CL games and maybe one or two French league games or YouTube clips.

If the coaches agree, but have watched him in more depth, then £100m for the next Neymar/Ronaldo/Messi in today's market isn't too much.

posted on 6/6/17

comment by Mike (U1170)
posted 3 minutes ago
Why do you always tag random teams into your articles?

I'd say it depends on just how much he scouts have watched him. Most on here will say he's going to be the next Neymar but that's based on probably 4 CL games and maybe one or two French league games or YouTube clips.

If the coaches agree, but have watched him in more depth, then £100m for the next Neymar/Ronaldo/Messi in today's market isn't too much.
Just so they’re not an offence to the Spurs fans. For whatever reason they’re just so touchy

posted on 6/6/17

comment by Mike (U1170)
posted 6 minutes ago
Why do you always tag random teams into your articles?

I'd say it depends on just how much he scouts have watched him. Most on here will say he's going to be the next Neymar but that's based on probably 4 CL games and maybe one or two French league games or YouTube clips.

If the coaches agree, but have watched him in more depth, then £100m for the next Neymar/Ronaldo/Messi in today's market isn't too much.
Mike - I'm not saying he was ever the next Neymar etc.

But I felt even at the time, Anelka’s move to Madrid was too soon in his career. I don’t know if time has proven me right, but even as an outsider I thought he wasn’t ready.

I also believed Anelka would have had a better career had he had stayed at Arsenal just 2 years longer and then took his ‘dream move’. I know the fees are massively different. But I think 19-21m was a high fee at the time.

Of course it depends on the mental strength of Mbappe. But is he not a similar age to what Anelka was at the time of his move to Madrid?

comment by Verse (U20361)

posted on 6/6/17

Mbappe is an overrated piece of garbage.

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