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To whom it may concern: If Coutinho stays

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comment by Blarmy (U14547)

posted on 22/8/17

CFC: FFP Champions(U20729)?

posted on 22/8/17

SE85 was a main culprit.

Oh and half of London.

posted on 22/8/17

Where's Eric the King or whatever he's called?

posted on 22/8/17

CFC: FFP Champions(U20729)

& All the Utd board

posted on 22/8/17

eyyyyyy you were constantly saying he'd leave.

posted on 22/8/17

Massive bite from the OP here.

posted on 22/8/17

comment by Emre... You don't make friends with Salah... (U3979)
posted 6 minutes ago
Where's Eric the King or whatever he's called?

posted on 22/8/17

Should have sold him though, unless the £16 million upfront is true, then wtf were barca thinking

posted on 22/8/17

Will we get similar apologies from Liverpool fans if VVD stays at Southampton?

posted on 22/8/17

comment by Abe Lackmann (U21076)
posted 44 seconds ago
Will we get similar apologies from Liverpool fans if VVD stays at Southampton?
What, the fact that the vast majority of us fully expect him to stay?

posted on 22/8/17

comment by Nickalopodis-bye bye costa (U9257)
posted 3 minutes ago
Should have sold him though, unless the £16 million upfront is true, then wtf were barca thinking

Come on then why should we have sold him?

posted on 22/8/17

Like I've said on several other topics.

a.) you don't know how he will perform for you
b.) you need to strengthen your defence and your attack is great without him
c.) mane has backed that up for me since I said he was your best player a while back
d.) mkhitaryan is 3 assists off coutinhos best assist season, we are 2 games in

You do not need coutinho, as a rival it' fine for me, as if you strengthen your CM and defence you'd be a real challenger.

posted on 22/8/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 22/8/17

Liverpool have an unhappy player in the dressing room and turned down ridiculous amount of money for him.

posted on 22/8/17

comment by ginodepotters (U21367)
posted 18 seconds ago
Liverpool have an unhappy player in the dressing room and turned down ridiculous amount of money for him.

If they only offered £16 mill up front though I don't blame them, ridiculous offer.

posted on 22/8/17

tbf Barca could have offered 200mil up front and it would have made little difference. Real life isn't like football manager - whoever Liverpool would replace him with would be similarly overpriced. Dortmund are quoted as wanting £135 million for Christian Pulisic FFS

posted on 22/8/17

Globo Esporte say Coutinho & his entourage are still trying to convince Liverpool to let him move to Barcelona

posted on 22/8/17

comment by ginodepotters (U21367)
posted 3 minutes ago
Globo Esporte say Coutinho & his entourage are still trying to convince Liverpool to let him move to Barcelona

Ahhh yes gin. There's one. Busy ramming it down various posters throats and still trying

Gb's footy knowledge > Ginodepotters footy knowledge

posted on 22/8/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 22/8/17

5 clean sheets in our last 6 league games

posted on 22/8/17

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 22/8/17

Personally, I’m glad the fans of other clubs alerted me to the importance of climate as a pull-factor.
I used to think it would be irrelevant to such a big decision, but I was shown the error of my ways.

At first, I wasn’t prepared to speculate about his transfer, and was willing to wait and see what happened, but now I’ve learned to look out for warning signs: has he been seen in Southport buying a bucket and spade, or a beach-ball? Has he been trying out some new Ray-Bans?, etc.

I’m all the wiser for it.

posted on 22/8/17

comment by Robbing_Hoody - I taught FSG how to negotiate (U6374)
posted 6 minutes ago
5 clean sheets in our last 6 league games
Or 4 conceded in your last 3 games. Glass half full/empty and all that

posted on 22/8/17

Yeah well clubs can have a freak first game can't the eh?

posted on 22/8/17

Indeed. Either way early doors but i'd look at your defence as a weak point and think most people would.

Would be interested who your last few games were to last season.

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