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Midfield for Spurs

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posted on 6/2/18

We can't defend to save our lives so the best bet is we try to blitz them in attack and hope they crumble like against Liverpool. I'd go with the OPs midfield, or anyone that doesn't include Iwoshit.

posted on 6/2/18

Thoughts are that Wilshire will get bossed by Dembele & Xhaka is a total liability with Dele & Eriksen running past him untracked.

Hope we play with a Back 3 (Jan, Toby and Sanchez). I could see us dropping Son to bench with Rose & Aurier pushed high up the pitch to dominate the wide areas

4-1 Spurs

posted on 6/2/18

Even if you lose (which I don't think you will) I reckon top four us still very much on for Spurs. Wouldn't surprise me to see us drop points at Southampton really. They're not winning games but they are drawing them and so are LFC.

posted on 6/2/18

We will not lose we like Wembley and also preparing for cup final so I expect we will do week. Remember it’s in neutral ground and Wembley is our home away from home.

posted on 6/2/18

We Will do well

posted on 6/2/18

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posted on 6/2/18

Who are we playing?

posted on 6/2/18

Why are fans so keen to get wilshere involved?

He will physically get dominated by their Mf

posted on 6/2/18

————Jack Ramsey

posted on 6/2/18

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posted on 6/2/18

comment by Diamondlights (U20501)
posted 1 hour, 17 minutes ago
Thoughts are that Wilshire will get bossed by Dembele & Xhaka is a total liability with Dele & Eriksen running past him untracked.

Hope we play with a Back 3 (Jan, Toby and Sanchez). I could see us dropping Son to bench with Rose & Aurier pushed high up the pitch to dominate the wide areas

4-1 Spurs
4-1? Wow... are we meant to be fielding the U16 team blindfolded and shackled to each other or something?!

posted on 6/2/18

Spurs should beat us comfortably, but it wouldn't surprised me if we won. Spurs are historically a bunch of bottlers. When it comes to the crunch time they well and truly Spursy it up. It's no coincidence they're gonna end up trophyless again.

posted on 6/2/18

comment by Song's gone but Santi coming to town makes it feel like Christmas every day (U12977)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Diamondlights (U20501)
posted 1 hour, 17 minutes ago
Thoughts are that Wilshire will get bossed by Dembele & Xhaka is a total liability with Dele & Eriksen running past him untracked.

Hope we play with a Back 3 (Jan, Toby and Sanchez). I could see us dropping Son to bench with Rose & Aurier pushed high up the pitch to dominate the wide areas

4-1 Spurs
4-1? Wow... are we meant to be fielding the U16 team blindfolded and shackled to each other or something?!
Until Last weekend (Everton rolled over for a tummy tickle) Ozil (possibly the grossest excess/ waste of money that Wenger loves to accuse City & united of), Mhiki (could barely manage a pass to a team mate for 6 months) Xhaka (the worst DM in the league), Ramsay (wheres he been since the Euro's, I thought he's moved to Spain & married his boyfriend Bale (than can do eachothers hair & beards) PEA ( No track record in the Prem Laegue), That defense (needed to be addressed in Jan, did nothing) & good old uncle Arsene at the controls with his "nodding dog" Bouldy...... so yeah, U-16s, first 11, whatever floats your boat ?

posted on 6/2/18

comment by Serial WUManiser™© - Hate Wenger, Love Bala Town (U1410)
posted 6 minutes ago
Spurs should beat us comfortably, but it wouldn't surprised me if we won. Spurs are historically a bunch of bottlers. When it comes to the crunch time they well and truly Spursy it up. It's no coincidence they're gonna end up trophyless again.
Pretty good chance Everyone will end up Trophyless as City are gonna win the lot

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 6/2/18

comment by πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ†πŸ† (U18355)
posted 27 minutes ago
————Jack Ramsey


posted on 6/2/18

comment by Diamondlights (U20501)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Song's gone but Santi coming to town makes it feel like Christmas every day (U12977)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Diamondlights (U20501)
posted 1 hour, 17 minutes ago
Thoughts are that Wilshire will get bossed by Dembele & Xhaka is a total liability with Dele & Eriksen running past him untracked.

Hope we play with a Back 3 (Jan, Toby and Sanchez). I could see us dropping Son to bench with Rose & Aurier pushed high up the pitch to dominate the wide areas

4-1 Spurs
4-1? Wow... are we meant to be fielding the U16 team blindfolded and shackled to each other or something?!
Until Last weekend (Everton rolled over for a tummy tickle) Ozil (possibly the grossest excess/ waste of money that Wenger loves to accuse City & united of), Mhiki (could barely manage a pass to a team mate for 6 months) Xhaka (the worst DM in the league), Ramsay (wheres he been since the Euro's, I thought he's moved to Spain & married his boyfriend Bale (than can do eachothers hair & beards) PEA ( No track record in the Prem Laegue), That defense (needed to be addressed in Jan, did nothing) & good old uncle Arsene at the controls with his "nodding dog" Bouldy...... so yeah, U-16s, first 11, whatever floats your boat ?
Let's pick this up on Sunday, yeah?

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 6/2/18


Someone never seen a NLD before. I’m going 2-1 spurs but honestly can go either way.

comment by IAWT (U10012)

posted on 6/2/18

I'll go 1-1 with at least one

posted on 6/2/18

comment by Diamondlights (U20501)
posted 12 minutes ago
comment by Song's gone but Santi coming to town makes it feel like Christmas every day (U12977)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Diamondlights (U20501)
posted 1 hour, 17 minutes ago
Thoughts are that Wilshire will get bossed by Dembele & Xhaka is a total liability with Dele & Eriksen running past him untracked.

Hope we play with a Back 3 (Jan, Toby and Sanchez). I could see us dropping Son to bench with Rose & Aurier pushed high up the pitch to dominate the wide areas

4-1 Spurs
4-1? Wow... are we meant to be fielding the U16 team blindfolded and shackled to each other or something?!
Until Last weekend (Everton rolled over for a tummy tickle) Ozil (possibly the grossest excess/ waste of money that Wenger loves to accuse City & united of), Mhiki (could barely manage a pass to a team mate for 6 months) Xhaka (the worst DM in the league), Ramsay (wheres he been since the Euro's, I thought he's moved to Spain & married his boyfriend Bale (than can do eachothers hair & beards) PEA ( No track record in the Prem Laegue), That defense (needed to be addressed in Jan, did nothing) & good old uncle Arsene at the controls with his "nodding dog" Bouldy...... so yeah, U-16s, first 11, whatever floats your boat ?
Ozil (possibly the grossest excess/ waste of money that Wenger loves to accuse City & united of) - what's his record... highest number of goal scoring opportunities created in the top 5 European leagues? Most number of assists in the last 3 seasons? Something like that? Not bad for the "grossest excess" blah blah...

Mhiki (could barely manage a pass to a team mate for 6 months) - 1 game, 3 assists. Okay

Xhaka (the worst DM in the league) - no team is perfect.

Ramsay (wheres he been since the Euro's, I thought he's moved to Spain & married his boyfriend Bale (than can do eachothers hair & beards) PEA ( No track record in the Prem Laegue) - that's just weird. I take it this more about Bale leaving than an issue with Ramsey. Get over it, you're too chit for Bale! Always were.

That defense (needed to be addressed in Jan, did nothing) - that's right, they did nothing. Didn't need to.

posted on 6/2/18

comment by ツ HΡ”ΠΈgΡƒ+ (U9129)
posted 4 minutes ago

Someone never seen a NLD before. I’m going 2-1 spurs but honestly can go either way.
I'll take 1-0 with us only getting out of our own half once for a highly dubious Dele swan dive penalty, from a highly iffy offside call aganist a Dembele through ball which Kane dispatches off both posts

posted on 6/2/18

Spurs are scared silly of Aubameyang and co

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 6/2/18

comment by AU14 (U21751)
posted 1 minute ago
Spurs are scared silly of Aubameyang and co
We’ve played against him twice already and won both games. Wouldn’t say we are scared of him tbh

posted on 6/2/18

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by IAWT (U10012)

posted on 6/2/18

comment by ツ HΡ”ΠΈgΡƒ+ (U9129)
posted 27 minutes ago
comment by AU14 (U21751)
posted 1 minute ago
Spurs are scared silly of Aubameyang and co
We’ve played against him twice already and won both games. Wouldn’t say we are scared of him tbh
<cough> 4 times in the past 2 seasons, winning 2, losing 2 <cough>

Auba scoring 4 goals of those games.

comment by Hengy (U9129)

posted on 6/2/18

comment by Wenger can f..ck off! (U10012)
posted 20 seconds ago
comment by ツ HΡ”ΠΈgΡƒ+ (U9129)
posted 27 minutes ago
comment by AU14 (U21751)
posted 1 minute ago
Spurs are scared silly of Aubameyang and co
We’ve played against him twice already and won both games. Wouldn’t say we are scared of him tbh
<cough> 4 times in the past 2 seasons, winning 2, losing 2 <cough>

Auba scoring 4 goals of those games.
<Cough> 3 seasons

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