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Arsenal fan tv

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posted on 24/4/18

Claude's a cant.

posted on 24/4/18

Wenger out

posted on 24/4/18

Graham is a top bloke, worth listening among rest of the bunch. He is very level headed guy and 9/10 times his analysis is bang on.

Claude is alright, I did not agree with his analogy of being sad .

posted on 24/4/18

I like Robbie DT and Mo. I usually love watching Arsenal fan tv when we win lol. I know most rivals only watch it when we lose and enjoy the rants.

posted on 24/4/18

mo is up his own hole,

claude has mental issues

dt is a loser

fam/blud is a claaart

the only decent ones are Lee, kelechi

posted on 24/4/18

They need a woman

posted on 24/4/18

Kelechi is the only one who isn't an almighty beIIend.

posted on 24/4/18

A lot of people try and put down AFTV by saying that it’s embarrassing because of the rants etc. However, the stats point towards it being extremely successful. As far as I can remember it has apparently 750 thousand subscribers and continues to evolve.

It’s mainstay are still the response interviews after matches which in my opinion are refreshing from watching pompous aloof has beens pontifficating in studios. One thing really love watching on AFTV are the compilation opinion videos from Arsenal fans from around the world. I think AFTV does more to bring Arsenal fans together than to divide us.

The AFTV format is a trailblazer, much envied and copied by rival fan groups. Robbie has invested time and energy into into creating stand out characters such as DT, Ty, and Moh, an AFTV football team, he links various Arsenal fan groups from all around the world together by giving them air time, his work has been recognised because it has now gone mainstream (on a fan TV program on channel four) and at the weekend he joined up with a charity group that helps children with a terminal illness.

I am personally very proud of AFTV and wish them all the success which they deserve.

posted on 24/4/18

I think AFTV gets unfair stick. Its a brilliant piece of work done by Robbie. Huge respect to him for making a success of it.

Yes has the wenger out and failures of the club helped it? Certainly. It however is not the sole reason for its success. Without the hard work of Robbie it would not be the success it is now.

5 years ago the media would not go for fan opinion at least not that much. I do believe because of the work that Robbie has put into it, he has helped the media take notice. They now interview fans and fan group opinion to a much higher degree. He appears on every news segment about Arsenal.

He must be extremely proud of his work and I look forward to seeing it grow.

I like DT tbh. Think he has a lot of decent opinions. I do agree they went OTT with their insults towards Wenger. Some of the people now seem to purposely go that way to gain support for their own channels.

Overall its great work and the envy of the fan channel world.

posted on 24/4/18

I agree the the two above points... I love watching it despite being a Manchester United fan.

It’s very entertaining and gives a fan point of view of the match, players, Wenger etc. I just love Claude. He’s about my dad’s age and he makes me laugh.xxxx

posted on 24/4/18

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 24/4/18

Emperor Kami(U9880) is a virgin 100%

posted on 26/4/18



lee boom

posted on 26/4/18


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