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Eric Bailly

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posted on 30/7/19

It's just bad luck. I'd give him another chance.

posted on 30/7/19

yeah give up on him forever because he's injured

posted on 30/7/19

He’s the Ivorian Phil Jones.

posted on 30/7/19

comment by De Gea's Legs (U14210)
posted 1 minute ago
yeah give up on him forever because he's injured
Exactly. Imagine if Arsenal gave up on Diaby after his 3rd or 4th long term lay off. Have patience, it will be okay in the end.

posted on 30/7/19

Hopefully we can get a fee for him in January. If not we’ll have to just let him go for free when his contract expires next summer.

posted on 30/7/19

His time isn’t up if he’s injured for five month. Nobody is going to risk buying a sick not like him. We will have to run down his contract.

posted on 30/7/19

Is it bad luck? To an extent, but his unorthodox style of defending leaves him more open to injuries in my opinion.

comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 30/7/19

comment by _Viva_Vida (U6044)

posted 25 seconds ago

Is it bad luck? To an extent, but his unorthodox style of defending leaves him more open to injuries in my opinion.

Same as Jones

posted on 30/7/19

Unorthodox is a polite was of saying last ditch due to poor reading of the game... same ailment that afflicts Jones.

posted on 30/7/19

comment by The Lambeau Leap (U21050)
posted 10 seconds ago
Unorthodox is a polite was of saying last ditch due to poor reading of the game... same ailment that afflicts Jones.

I have said kamikaze before, he does like karate kicks and other strange defensive movements.

posted on 30/7/19

comment by De Gea's Legs (U14210)
posted 23 minutes ago
yeah give up on him forever because he's injured
If it was the first or second time I’d say fair enough

posted on 30/7/19

Kamikaze, the legendary Japanese cb.

posted on 30/7/19

He may recover and go on to be a great CB. Though for us, we need a stable partnership at CB. We have too many CBs prone to injury. Bailly, Jones, Rojo and even Smalling (though he hasn't been as prone to injury in recent seasons). It is why I think we will see more of Tuanzebe this season, especially if another CB doesn't come in.

posted on 30/7/19

Personally think if we had a dominant cb playing alongside him he wouldnt be half as reckless, looks like he goes out thinking he has to do everything

comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 30/7/19

comment by CurrentlyInChina (U11181)

posted 10 minutes ago

He may recover and go on to be a great CB. Though for us, we need a stable partnership at CB. We have too many CBs prone to injury. Bailly, Jones, Rojo and even Smalling (though he hasn't been as prone to injury in recent seasons). It is why I think we will see more of Tuanzebe this season, especially if another CB doesn't come in.

I think there is a genuine chance Tuanzebe will be first choice alongside Lindelof. If ole is going to build a strong back 4 he needs CBs he can rely on to stay fit. That discounts Bailly and Jones and Smalling appears to have slipped down the pecking order judging by preseason. He was left on the bench again tonight.

posted on 30/7/19

Tuanzebe has injury problems the last couple of seasons as well.

posted on 30/7/19

comment by _Viva_Vida (U6044)
posted 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
Is it bad luck? To an extent, but his unorthodox style of defending leaves him more open to injuries in my opinion.

And not just injuries - his maverick style of defending can often be almost genius and brilliant to watch. But it can also be a car crash. Too often he just completely switches off. His best performances are often outstanding, but his worst ones are comical.

We need defenders who can put in a 7/10 every week. Not one that can put in three 10/10's in a row and then a 0/10 out of nowhere.

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 31/7/19

comment by Ed The King Woodward (U10026)
posted 10 hours, 57 minutes ago
He’s the Ivorian Phil Jones.
Couldn't have put it better, except even Jones has a better footballing brain than kamikaze Bailly

posted on 31/7/19

Maybe we’ll hang on to all our centrebacks until Christmas now and won’t register Bailly in the PL.

comment by Elvis (U7425)

posted on 31/7/19

comment by rosso is facking happy (U17054)
posted 33 minutes ago

Maybe we’ll hang on to all our centrebacks until Christmas now and won’t register Bailly in the PL.

Would probably make sense.

posted on 31/7/19

If anyone is stupid enough to buy Bailly in January when he has some level of fitness again, then take whatever we can. No point registering him for this season. He's a complete waste of wages, get rid when the chance comes.

posted on 31/7/19

I feel really sorry for the guy and wish him a speedy recovery however as an Arsenal fan I think we may have dodged to bullet on that one.

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