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Sony now owns Insomniac.

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posted on 23/8/19

comment by sling yer hook (U9116)
posted 32 seconds ago

not surprising microsoft has been buying a lot of developers in the last year . maybe sony were worried they would buy them as well .

MS have been buying some studios, But they are nowhere near the quality of Insomniac, and with no real pedigree.

Sony has spent years building up the quality they have in their World Wide Studios. MS will have to do a lot better than buying the likes of Ninja Theory.

Insomniac, would certainly have turned heads.

posted on 23/8/19

may be if microsoft offer enough money top people will leave to join them . Leonard Boyarsky left blizzard to join obsidien .

posted on 23/8/19

comment by sling yer hook (U9116)
posted 6 minutes ago

may be if microsoft offer enough money top people will leave to join them . Leonard Boyarsky left blizzard to join obsidien .

The problem isn't just about money or talent, it is about what you do with them. Sony bought Naughty Dog, a young talented studio, and they have become one of the biggest names out there.

MS bought Rare, a top quality studio at the time, but under MS ownership it became a shadow of it's former self and all the real talent has long left,

The truth is MS has used third party to prop up the xbox the last few years, with little interest in building their own first party. It is one of the reasons xbox failed this gen.

posted on 24/8/19

They don’t really care as much tbh, they’re more interested in the hosting side to it anyway, hence the deal.

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