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Hamilton get out NOW!

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posted on 24/9/11

Hamilton 's language is also telling, with the constant use of the word "THEY":
"They had a fuelling problem, we were running out of time and we couldn't get enough fuel in the car. "

"I went over a kerb and then THEY said THEY lost pressure immediately so it might have happened then,"

There is hope that Hamilton will leave Twitmarsh and his side pod Button!

posted on 24/9/11

Not all are as blind and stupid as most F1 fans, read Andrew Davies Monza analysis on teammate wars:

"One of the strangest GPs from a results point of view - Hamilton was by far the fastest driver and would have pushed Vettel hard had he been allowed to catch up with him. On his own, in clear air, he set fastest lap after fastest lap in the closing stages. But he finished behind Jenson Button, off the podium and now slips behind Jenson in the team-mate race... having been faster than him and having outqualified him in two successive races!
It's a good job this is motor racing and not cycling, because that kind of injustice burns holes in the psyche of professional cyclists. The great Italian cyclist Marco Pantani spent much of his career fuming at the treatment he got from his team, from race organisers and from some of the cycling authorities. And he was one of the few cyclists who could have knocked Lance Armstrong off his perch. But in the end, the politics of it all was too much. Let's hope that doesn't happen to Hamilton. "


posted on 24/9/11

well hamilton is in the 2nd fastest car and capable of beating webber in the fastest car,vettel is just quick and just happens to be in the quickest car,most of the time

that's formula 1,next year,who knows? that's the nature of the sport,the car first,driver second

pantani was a great climber,but so was armstrong,when it came to time trials,it was a no contest

posted on 24/9/11


its no good blaming mclaren every time your boy does not put it on the front row , mclaren and red bull have been the class of the field all season and very often in race trim the mclaren has been the equal of the red bull and very likely if the truth is known in qual trim as well . ( if you look at the wider picture of all 4 drivers and there respective performances thruout the season --)

personally i think there has not been alot between the two teams all season and for me it is vettel that has been making the difference -

the bottom line is hamilton very often has had a very competitive car this season and very often has not delivered when it has mattered ---

posted on 24/9/11


You can't really blame Hamilton for today. He was unlucky with the puncture and decided to not run again to save his tyres. Strategy will be key for him tomorrow as he will be able to do longer stints since he only has a set of super softs and a variety of primes.

The Mclaren hasn't always been a match for the red bull this season. Like Vettel, Hamilton made his car competitive even when it wasn't.

The Mclaren is arguably the best racing package at the moment but the red bull is quickest in qualifying trim and if Seb gets pole he can control races from the front.

Vettel has been great this season but I feel red bull have given him the best package at the expense of his team mate (last season it was the other way around)

Lets hope for a good race tomorrow. Tyres will play a massive role tomorrow. If Hamilton is smart, he could win the race tomorrow

posted on 25/9/11

ManU dear mate you seem to have been fed the wrong information and I suspect Twitmarsh had something to do with it! Hamilton did not decide to save his tyres for anything there was a fictitious refueling problem which caused him not to run!

'They' threw him with a fictitious puncture when that didn't work then they fabricated a refueling problem, when have you last heard of such utter Bull!

No wonder Twitmarsh is able to get away with his shenanigans, he knows full well that the avarage formula 1 fan is just plain dumb,gullible and ignorant!

posted on 25/9/11

Man U dear mate don't worry I am the only voice of reason on this forum and I exist solely to enlighten lost souls such as your selves

posted on 25/9/11

man u devil

i certainly dont blame hamilton for qualifying today because of his bad luck , in fairness to him the mclaren was good enough for the front row and but for his bad luck he might have put it there ,

will agree that red bull probally has been the most consistant package all season but for me the mp4/26 has ran it very close all season and hamilton just has not delivered as often as he should have done given the package he has had all season --

posted on 25/9/11

comment by martial artist (U9033)

posted 1 hour, 18 minutes ago

man u devil

i certainly dont blame hamilton for qualifying today because of his bad luck , in fairness to him the mclaren was good enough for the front row and but for his bad luck he might have put it there ,

will agree that red bull probally has been the most consistant package all season but for me the mp4/26 has ran it very close all season and hamilton just has not delivered as often as he should have done given the package he has had all season --


Can't argue with that

Hamilton has admitted he's made silly mistakes this season. His drive in Monza showed he's grown up a lot. In the past he would have tried a stupid move and finished the race without points.

The Mclaren team has let it's drivers down a lot as well. Bungled pit stops, strategies, etc.

With the tyres not lasting long tomorrow, it will be an interesting race, I hope.

posted on 25/9/11

With Martian and ManU its a case of the blind leading the blind, Hamilton has not made more mistakes than any other driver this season, the blame lies squarely with Mclaren, they are the ones who let Hamilton with poor strategies, slow pitstops and inexplicable refueling problems. Also factor in the hopelessly incompetent stewards and you will realize that Hamilton will have wiped the floor with Button by now!

But I know in martian's parallel universe this sort of logic does not make the faintest sense!

posted on 25/9/11

ManU i see again in your response you have conveniently left out the supposed refueling problem Hamilton had!

And where do you get this nonsense from:"Hamilton has admitted he's made silly mistakes this season", Twitmarsh.com?

posted on 25/9/11


great drivers make there own luck ,great drivers will also play a major part in there own stratergy ,
do you seriously believe in your wildest dreams that hamilton as driver of the car is not allowed to dictate alot of his own stratergy if he so chooses ,

i seriously think hamilton is one of those drivers that does not have alot of tactical intelligence behind the wheel and there in lies some his problems ,

its clear that you never watched F1 before 2007 , if you had you would realise it takes more than decent pace and aggresive passing maneuvers ,that dont allways come off to be labelled a great driver -
when you have watched F1 for a few yrs as i have you will realise that -
---------- or maybe you wont -

alain prost ---------- he aint --

posted on 25/9/11

I agree, Hamilton get out of F1. Utterly ridiculous, yet another crash he's caused, yet another race he's ruined for one of the actual F1 racers.

That's probably attempted murder No. 22 this season from him. Utterly ridiculous, and very annoying that someone with infinitely less racing talent than myself is getting paid something like £20m per year!

posted on 25/9/11

comment by Drunken Hobo (U7360)

posted 1 hour, 36 minutes ago

I agree, Hamilton get out of F1. Utterly ridiculous, yet another crash he's caused, yet another race he's ruined for one of the actual F1 racers.

That's probably attempted murder No. 22 this season from him. Utterly ridiculous, and very annoying that someone with infinitely less racing talent than myself is getting paid something like £20m per year!

Wow, tsheporam's doppleganger.

posted on 25/9/11

Most of the time I wonder why some people on here watch F1.
Why should Hamilton get out F1 when Schumacher should get out F1, making a fool of himself or Vettel for boring the Sport?
Thank god its going on Sky, maybe those type of articles will disappear during Races!!!!!!!!!1

posted on 25/9/11

Comment by Tsheporam

Man U dear mate don't worry I am the only voice of reason on this forum and I exist solely to enlighten lost souls such as your selves

Yeah right and my Grandmother is the voice of god Hamilton is getting is little heine tanned at the moment by what you claim is his much slower teammate Grow up little boy

posted on 25/9/11

trouble is hamilton is 5th in the drivers championship and this in an era of bulletproof reliability,that's not good enough

he clearly has the pace,but the 4 drivers above him seem to have more nouse tactically

no doubt if hamilton had the quickest car he would blast off into the distance most of the time

but if we are going to talk about hamilton being an "all time great" he is going to have to come up with the goods,even when he isn't in the fastest car

let's remember mclaren are a clear 2nd in the constructors,if he left mclaren,where would he go? certainly not ferrari or red bull

posted on 25/9/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by Gowteam (U7997)

posted on 26/9/11

Canda: taken out by his own teammate!

Yeah sure, he drives into the back of him but it was HE who is the victim.

I suppose it was massas fault yesterday that hamilton drove into him.

Get a grip ffs.

posted on 26/9/11

Where we would he go?

Ferrari don't want him. Red Bull don't want him. No-one else looks anywhere near challenging.

posted on 26/9/11

comment by Gowteam (U7997)

posted 3 hours, 36 minutes ago

Canda: taken out by his own teammate!

Yeah sure, he drives into the back of him but it was HE who is the victim.

I suppose it was massas fault yesterday that hamilton drove into him.

Get a grip ffs.

Whilst we all agree that tsheporam has a variety of issues, Button took him out in Canada mate. He tried an ambitious manoever and Button ran him into the wall. He claims it was a mistake, but he was looking into his mirrors when it happened.

He made a mistake with Massa yesterday but I've got no sympathy for Massa who plays dodgems as well and lets his team mate ride roughshod all over him.

posted on 26/9/11

It is an absolute bona fide fact that if Hamilton was driving for someone like HRT and had the crash record he has this season, he'd no longer be in the sport. Yuji Ide was banned for far less than what Hamilton's got away with this season.

I can also imagine if he was any other nationality, the praise and undying loyalty towards him wouldn't exist.

comment by mariory (U8059)

posted on 26/9/11

comment by Drunken Hobo (U7360)

It is an absolute bona fide fact that if Hamilton was driving for someone like HRT and had the crash record he has this season, he'd no longer be in the sport. Yuji Ide was banned for far less than what Hamilton's got away with this season.

Pure and Simple really. I also remember how Montoya was hounded out of the sport.

posted on 26/9/11

Haha Schumacher's list would be 10 times longer then Hamilton's. Massa's just annoyed that unlike Hamilton he wasn't good enough to battle back up the field and the fact that Hamilton finished above him even though Hamilton had to take a drive through.

This whole Hamilton's a dangerous driver rubbish is just that. Rubbish. He drives hard and takes risks. Everyone forgets the hundreds of times he's successfully and safely over taken a fellow driver and seems to remember the handful of times he's been involved in a racing incident.

Vettel took out Mark Webber at Turkey the other year did people go crazy and ask for him to be banned. No. They called it what it is.

Of course other drivers may want him banned but of course you'd want one of the best drivers out of the sport.

As I said Schumachers list would be ten times longer people are just bunching up their panties because Hamiltons had a few in a row.

posted on 26/9/11

Who knows what wud happen if they were to meet on the podium.


I feel sorry for Massa. How many times.4-5+ times this season.

While i love Hamilton driving - he has to start taking responsibility.

Hes becoming a bit like bad boy Mario Balotelli of Formula One with antics.

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