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These 33 comments are related to an article called:

For Those Who Could not Attend

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posted on 3/11/19

I never saw Holmes and Bogle penetrating, I was too busy watching the football.

Thought Cocu had his best side out yesterday from those he has left to choose from. We still don't try and find space with the exception of Holmes, we seem to wait for the ball. Look at Leeds, how well they run off the ball, always someone available for the player with ball.

We did improve on transition time from defence to attack which helped us create more chances but this could have been a result of them going down to 10 men.

posted on 3/11/19

“Look at Leeds” crickey Spart are you trying to suck up to all your Leeds mates in the village?Its almost as bad as saying look at Fo****

posted on 3/11/19

Thank God Cocu has been forced to play 2 up front and had the sense to make it Martin and Marriott. I hope he has the brains to do the same next week, or will it be back to the old boring ways?

Lawrence took his goals well and looked better, but in the 2nd half he seemed to switch off for a time and stood still near the west stand gazing into the sky.

Holmes played well in the 2nd half and the rest of the team were much better and fewer back passes so Roos didn't get into any trouble. I missed the first 3 minutes thanks for the road works which made us take 40 minutes to get to the parking place from the A52. Which will be first, Brexit or the completion of the road "improvements"?

I must say I've never seen a worse Boro team, surely Woodgate will be looking for another job soon. Maybe Stoke.

posted on 3/11/19

Ramdini, you are right about the ref, I didn't notice him at all and the linesman on the west side was excellent.

comment by Rameses (U7190)

posted on 3/11/19

We have be calling for Marriott and Martin and finally we got it. Perhaps Cocu thought that with everything going on this week he couldn’t possibly serve up his particular brand of keep ball as well.
Credit to him for changing. Marriott never stopped running and finding space. He was always available and often better placed for the shot that the player who tried one. A simple pass would have seen him in on several occasions.
Bogle did well but I’d like to see him get the cross in earlier. Beilik was excellent in midfield but he stretched to win a tackle in the second half and I hope he hasn’t done some damage that will keep him out next week.
Every team needs a Shinnie and we have one called Shinnie. Without being spectacular he does the simple things well and gets the team moving on the front foot.

posted on 3/11/19

There wasn’t much defending to do but I thought Clarke had a much better game than of late. Bielik too. Also our set-piece delivery was uniformly excellent, when has that ever been the case? Corners from Lawrence and Shinnie all went in with a nice pace and trajectory and we actually looked as though we might score from one of them.

Boro were absolutely shocking though and put us under no pressure at all in any area of the pitch. It won’t be like that next week. I didn’t think that Martin and Marriott clicked completely but there were a few promising signs and surely the opposition would fear the pair more than they would fear just one of them and an extra midfielder.

posted on 3/11/19

"Every team needs a Shinnie and we have one called Shinnie" Perfectly put!

comment by Rameses (U7190)

posted on 3/11/19

posted on 3/11/19

He’s doing really well. A few of the wise, well, Spart anyway, had written him off completely before he had even played.

posted on 3/11/19

A good few nuggets of wisdom above. I am not so sure that a Boro full team were that shocking. They looked lively for 30 minutes or so until Savile received his just desserts for on the field violence. And why is the concept of Marriott and Martin (since his recent rehabilitation) being a powerful force in attack so surprising? It would seem to be very obvious, why did it take Cocu so long? And - Cocu knockers, this is not a reason to be getting rid of him. Finally the arrival of an effective Shinnie has strengthened us no end.

posted on 3/11/19

In fact, now that I think of it Shinnie is almost a like for like replacement of Craig Bryson. And he was a very potent force in his hey-day.

posted on 3/11/19

In fact, now that I think of it Shinnie is almost a like for like replacement of Craig Bryson. And he was a very potent force in his hey-day.

posted on 3/11/19

Point made first time Ramdini

posted on 3/11/19

Good report RMdini.

I thought Clarke had a good game - perhaps that excellent block he made from Davies' blunder just instilled that extra confidence and swagger that he has been missing OR the fact that they were being 'protected' by Bielek (excellent game) and Shinnie (Brucie Forsyth).

Liked the cut of Bogle and Holmes on the wing who gave their full back a torrid time.

Don't think Cocu will risk such a formation against Florest

comment by Scouse (U9675)

posted on 3/11/19

comment by ViewFromDeWallen (U1581)

Don't think Cocu will risk such a formation against Florest

Why wouldn't he?

The formations he "didn't" risk against Brentford and Charlton worked-out well!

comment by Rameses (U7190)

posted on 3/11/19

To find Shinnie just look for the ball. He’s never far away from it. He’s either on the ball, available for a simple pass, or chasing someone down. He must have had the most touches of any Derby player. The Bryson references are obvious but he’s not the kind of player to get beyond the number 9 he’s better suited operating from deeper in my opinion.

comment by Scouse (U9675)

posted on 3/11/19

comment by Rameses, Kom op jij Rams (U7190)
posted 8 minutes ago
To find Shinnie just look for the ball. He’s never far away from it. He’s either on the ball, available for a simple pass, or chasing someone down. He must have had the most touches of any Derby player. The Bryson references are obvious but he’s not the kind of player to get beyond the number 9 he’s better suited operating from deeper in my opinion.

I hope Lampard doesn't make a cheeky bid in Jan.

posted on 3/11/19

Deservedly or not, our Tom is going to get a torrid time at the kennel next week. So can our travelling supporters please give him all the support he needs and more. We need him to play next week as he did yesterday. And hopefully he will get another couple of goals and scare the Forest defence witless. 3 points - or even 1 would be priceless for our season. A draw would keep us just 4 points in arrears and a win would bring us just about level. The red dogs will be all over Lawrence - low life football fans that they are.

comment by Rameses (U7190)

posted on 3/11/19

Of course he get stick.
This is a football crowd we’re talking about, the singularly most partisan thing in existence.
No quarter given or expected.

posted on 3/11/19

Shinnie comparison with Bryson. How about comparing Conor Sammon with Ronaldo? Shinnie is a bang average footballer. So long as Cocu limits him to the things he can do then no problem. Did you see his pass with the outside of his foot yesterday. Promising attack breaks down because he passes it straight to a Boro player when he could have done a simple pass to a Derby player. Apart from the goal I haven't seen anything special from Shinnie.

posted on 3/11/19

Spart! I suggest you keep looking. All players make mistakes. If Shinnie made that particular one, he did plenty of things right. But mostly I meant he was a high energy midfielder with a good dentine. Precisely what Craig Bryson was.

posted on 3/11/19

dentine? - engine

posted on 3/11/19

I go only on repute and what I read. One thing is clear. Ronaldo would never play in a team comprising Bryson. Sammon and Shinnie. And we are there better for it

posted on 3/11/19


posted on 3/11/19

And all that tooth whitening has completely ruined Ronaldo's dentine. 🤔

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