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WiFi Extenders

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comment by Hector (U3606)

posted on 21/5/20

Exact same, couldnt use WiFi on my balcony, costs a bit extra than just the router but BT disc works a treat

posted on 21/5/20

You could try catching coronavirus. I've heard that gives you 5G.

posted on 21/5/20

comment by Paul Tosh (U1734)
posted 5 minutes ago
You could try catching coronavirus. I've heard that gives you 5G.

posted on 21/5/20

comment by Paul Tosh (U1734)
posted 6 minutes ago
You could try catching coronavirus. I've heard that gives you 5G.

That much G force would probably snap my neck!

posted on 21/5/20

Could you upgrade to a better main router, our Sky hub we got last year when we switched to SkyQ gives us WiFi right down the bottom of the garden and on the drive etc. 10 metres shouldn’t be a problem unless you’ve built a lead bomb shelter.

posted on 21/5/20

comment by Mike (U1170)
posted 2 minutes ago
Could you upgrade to a better main router, our Sky hub we got last year when we switched to SkyQ gives us WiFi right down the bottom of the garden and on the drive etc. 10 metres shouldn’t be a problem unless you’ve built a lead bomb shelter.
At about 130 a month Fack sky and their stealth charges and raises.

posted on 21/5/20

Might be worth checking what band 2.4 or 5ghz your devices use. Sone might only do 2.4, and make sure extender boosts both bands.,

comment by Neo (U9135)

posted on 21/5/20

That is surprising it doesn’t reach if it’s only 10m from the house, it should do. How many walls does it have to pass through to get there?

A new router or a range extender should do the trick I reckon. BT are a shiiite internet provider but they’re new routers are quite good at least, I can pick mine up much further than 10m.

posted on 21/5/20

comment by Neo (U9135)
posted 4 minutes ago
That is surprising it doesn’t reach if it’s only 10m from the house, it should do. How many walls does it have to pass through to get there?

A new router or a range extender should do the trick I reckon. BT are a shiiite internet provider but they’re new routers are quite good at least, I can pick mine up much further than 10m.

2 walls, a conservatory and then 10m to the building. I could upgrade the router but I’m sure BT would try charge me £100+ for the privilege with no guarantee of anything changing.
I may go down the power line adaptor route.

comment by Neo (U9135)

posted on 21/5/20

Fair enough, we have a TP link extender too. Put it your conservatory I’m sure that will reach.

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 21/5/20


You won't need anything else. Extenders are useless. Get a mesh system.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 21/5/20

I'm a bit of a WiFi expert.

Just pop a placemat rapped in tin foil 12.5 cm behind router so it reflects towards your garden. Use the 2.4ghz channel.

If that works.. bingo.

posted on 21/5/20

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 21/5/20

The lengths folks are going to just to rub one out in peace.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 21/5/20

I've used ubiquity wireless nano stations to send signals 1km+ but reflector if always first port of call.

posted on 21/5/20

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 21/5/20

In my experience extenders are useless. I have a laptop upstairs and neither the extender through the electric wiring or through the air are much cop.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 21/5/20

comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 57 seconds ago
I've used ubiquity wireless nano stations to send signals 1km+ but reflector if always first port of call.
You lost me at Ubiquiti.

posted on 21/5/20

comment by Cal Neva (U11544)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 57 seconds ago
I've used ubiquity wireless nano stations to send signals 1km+ but reflector if always first port of call.
You lost me at Ubiquiti.

I’d defo try what admin says, given some of the stuff he said he’s done on here, he certainly seems a very clever and technologically capable chap.

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 21/5/20

Its fine. Just ignore my suggestion that would work flawlessly with minimal hassle.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 21/5/20

comment by Redbridge Rovers (U1097)
posted 13 minutes ago
Its fine. Just ignore my suggestion that would work flawlessly with minimal hassle.
That would work £129 quid though.

Tinfoil first!

posted on 21/5/20

comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 46 minutes ago
I'm a bit of a WiFi expert.

Just pop a placemat rapped in tin foil 12.5 cm behind router so it reflects towards your garden. Use the 2.4ghz channel.

If that works.. bingo.

posted on 21/5/20

comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Redbridge Rovers (U1097)
posted 13 minutes ago
Its fine. Just ignore my suggestion that would work flawlessly with minimal hassle.
That would work £129 quid though.

Tinfoil first!
129 quid vs 3p.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 21/5/20

Its exactly one wavelength behind so works as a directional antenna. Antenna design is like a balloon, you cant change the air in it(well you can by increasing power, but it is subject to inverse square law), but you can squeeze it to get the shape you want.

Also the law of reciprocity....The radiation pattern of transmitting antenna1, which transmits to the receiving antenna2 is equal to the radiation pattern of antenna2, if it transmits and antenna1 receives the signal.

comment by Admin1 (U1)

posted on 21/5/20

Your router should have a TX power in the advance settings somewhere too hopefully.


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