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Bethesda appears to be going exclusive

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posted on 19/6/21

Worth waiting either way given the move to cloud gaming too. Nothing worth moving to the new generation yet anyway.

posted on 19/6/21

comment by meltonblue (U10617)
posted 2 hours, 2 minutes ago
Worth waiting either way given the move to cloud gaming too. Nothing worth moving to the new generation yet anyway.
Agree, but no Bethesda on PS5 Might well kill the console for me. Other than final fantasy games, there's not a lot else I'm looking forward to

posted on 20/6/21

I struggle with this generation in general tbh as I think it’ll be the last one - not sure how many years they’re actually going to get.

posted on 20/6/21

comment by meltonblue (U10617)
posted 1 hour, 44 minutes ago
I struggle with this generation in general tbh as I think it’ll be the last one - not sure how many years they’re actually going to get.

I can't see console gaming dieing out, but the lines between it and PC gaming are blurring for me, and I've always had PCs as well as consoles.

posted on 20/6/21

I think of it more as living room gaming rather than console gaming as such that won’t die out (and is the fundamental differentiator to pcs). The method of delivering games to the living room is what will change.

For MS, it’s obvious that they’re pushing everything into game pass. The exclusivity I don’t think is about shifting more consoles for them specifically, it’s about pushing game pass onto other platforms too. It’ll be a while yet though.

posted on 20/6/21

comment by meltonblue (U10617)
posted 2 minutes ago
I think of it more as living room gaming rather than console gaming as such that won’t die out (and is the fundamental differentiator to pcs). The method of delivering games to the living room is what will change.

For MS, it’s obvious that they’re pushing everything into game pass. The exclusivity I don’t think is about shifting more consoles for them specifically, it’s about pushing game pass onto other platforms too. It’ll be a while yet though.
Ultimately I agree, you won't pay for hardware, you will play it directly off a server, but the speed requirements from your internet for inputs could cause issues, as would server outages.

I think Microsoft would be all too happy to get out of the hardware side of the business if they could ship gamepasses on Playstation/PC

And by making Bethesda games exclusive they are forcing Sony to the table.

posted on 20/6/21

Yep exactly that.

As an aside, I am really looking forward to Starfield wherever it ends up!

posted on 20/6/21

comment by meltonblue (U10617)
posted 11 minutes ago
Yep exactly that.

As an aside, I am really looking forward to Starfield wherever it ends up!
Same, but it will ultimately be a PC title for me now.

Which is a shame, as sad as they are, I quite like trophies

posted on 20/6/21

All the previous generations, I’ve had both the ps and ms consoles (I justify it by saying it’s one for me, one for my son). I am increasingly getting more back into pc gaming anyway though.

posted on 20/6/21

comment by meltonblue (U10617)
posted 3 minutes ago
All the previous generations, I’ve had both the ps and ms consoles (I justify it by saying it’s one for me, one for my son). I am increasingly getting more back into pc gaming anyway though.
Same, oddly I'm less driven by steam achievements than trophies on the PS4,

But the breadth of games on Steam means there's always something available for me to play for ~£15 and I'm happy to wait a year or two for sales on games to hit that price point.

It's also much easier to live out your nostalgia, like playing Knights of the old Republic 1 + 2 on Steam is preferable to digging out my Xbox from the loft..

posted on 20/6/21

Completely agree

posted on 20/6/21

Phil spence head of Xbox has said apart from death loop and ghost wire all other Bethesda games will be game pass exclusive if you don’t want a Xbox you can get game pass on pc and there looking to put it on other devices with cloud gaming

posted on 20/6/21

comment by sling yer hook (U9116)
posted 13 minutes ago
Phil spence head of Xbox has said apart from death loop and ghost wire all other Bethesda games will be game pass exclusive if you don’t want a Xbox you can get game pass on pc and there looking to put it on other devices with cloud gaming
Basically, putting the pressure on Sony to make it available for their players

posted on 20/6/21

Would be good if it worked the other way too for gamers tbh.

posted on 20/6/21

comment by meltonblue (U10617)
posted 1 minute ago
Would be good if it worked the other way too for gamers tbh.
PlayStation won't do that tbh, but if they accept gamepass then Xbox will disappear.

posted on 20/6/21

No I know, was just think how good it would be for gamers if they would though. Im not a fan of exclusives anyway, but you look at how much console games cost nowadays and things like gamepass do represent much better value for money.

posted on 20/6/21

comment by meltonblue (U10617)
posted 40 minutes ago
No I know, was just think how good it would be for gamers if they would though. Im not a fan of exclusives anyway, but you look at how much console games cost nowadays and things like gamepass do represent much better value for money.
And still games release cheaper on PC, I guess because it's a bigger userbase and you pay more for the hardware.

I'm sort of against what amounts to rental schemes, but I'm not that clued up on it to be honest.

posted on 20/6/21

I used to be, don’t mind it now as I don’t see it any differently to Netflix or prime. Think it’s better tbh given the price of individual games nowadays.

Agree about pc though.

posted on 21/6/21

Said a while ago GamePass will be on PS5 by the end of next year start of 2023, and it will probably be one of the big Bethesda game that spear heads it.

People need to start to realise that GamePass is more important to MS than Xbox and has been for a few years now. MS have slowly been sneaking towards the console exit for a while now and this console gen is very likely to be the last imo, and MS will happily give up the hardware to Sony to deal with.

All the signs are there:
".....Amazon is our biggest competitor - not Sony...."
"GamePass streaming will be available on Smart TVs holiday 2021"

Anyone can see that hardware is not the way forward in the future, well especially when you basically have a mix of Steam and Netflix which are the 2 biggest success stories in the digital age.

I have been a big critic of GamePass but if it continues it will be the best value for gaming (imo it's not quite there yet but a few more exclusives makes it a no brainer) by the end of next year no questions asked, for me it's still missing your must plays but when Hellblade and a few others drop on it, it will be emense!

posted on 21/6/21


comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 22/6/21

MS look like they are getting ahead of the curve here in the same way netflix were.

You already pay to stream your TV, music and online gaming

Playstation now is an okayish service but new aaa games don't drop on their.

You give me a cloud service which triple a games drop on and give me the option of not having to pay £500 quid for the consol to be able to do it.

And imagine you are young or not as well off.

Whats more appealing out of Sony or ms?

Cause from a financial perspective its ms if they get this off the ground how they want it to

posted on 22/6/21

comment by Mattyp (U8926)
posted 27 minutes ago
MS look like they are getting ahead of the curve here in the same way netflix were.

You already pay to stream your TV, music and online gaming

Playstation now is an okayish service but new aaa games don't drop on their.

You give me a cloud service which triple a games drop on and give me the option of not having to pay £500 quid for the consol to be able to do it.

And imagine you are young or not as well off.

Whats more appealing out of Sony or ms?

Cause from a financial perspective its ms if they get this off the ground how they want it to
I don't see how PlayStation can refuse to entertain offering the MS gamepass now.

It'll kill their sales.

comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 22/6/21

comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 24 minutes ago
comment by Mattyp (U8926)
posted 27 minutes ago
MS look like they are getting ahead of the curve here in the same way netflix were.

You already pay to stream your TV, music and online gaming

Playstation now is an okayish service but new aaa games don't drop on their.

You give me a cloud service which triple a games drop on and give me the option of not having to pay £500 quid for the consol to be able to do it.

And imagine you are young or not as well off.

Whats more appealing out of Sony or ms?

Cause from a financial perspective its ms if they get this off the ground how they want it to
I don't see how PlayStation can refuse to entertain offering the MS gamepass now.

It'll kill their sales.

But let's also think 6-7 years down the line.

You have a ps5 with game pass on it.

So you are getting all the ms aaa titles.

You going to bother paying 600 quid for the next Sony consol or just keep streaming MS.

Consols are a dying thing in the same way that dvd players are now dead

posted on 22/6/21

comment by Mattyp (U8926)
posted 58 minutes ago
comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 24 minutes ago
comment by Mattyp (U8926)
posted 27 minutes ago
MS look like they are getting ahead of the curve here in the same way netflix were.

You already pay to stream your TV, music and online gaming

Playstation now is an okayish service but new aaa games don't drop on their.

You give me a cloud service which triple a games drop on and give me the option of not having to pay £500 quid for the consol to be able to do it.

And imagine you are young or not as well off.

Whats more appealing out of Sony or ms?

Cause from a financial perspective its ms if they get this off the ground how they want it to
I don't see how PlayStation can refuse to entertain offering the MS gamepass now.

It'll kill their sales.

But let's also think 6-7 years down the line.

You have a ps5 with game pass on it.

So you are getting all the ms aaa titles.

You going to bother paying 600 quid for the next Sony consol or just keep streaming MS.

Consols are a dying thing in the same way that dvd players are now dead
As I said earlier in the thread, it increasingly looks like I will move to PC gaming, I don't think Sony will have much of a choice but to follow MS towards cloud gaming. If you can play the newest gears of war game on your smart TV, PC or tablet with a USB controller then consoles are obsolete.

I could feasibly buy a tablet for £100 with a sim slot, £20 on 3 for unlimited 4/5g and with cloud gaming I suddenly have a competitor for my Switch.

posted on 22/6/21

comment by Mattyp (U8926)
posted 4 hours, 15 minutes ago
MS look like they are getting ahead of the curve here in the same way netflix were.

You already pay to stream your TV, music and online gaming

Playstation now is an okayish service but new aaa games don't drop on their.

You give me a cloud service which triple a games drop on and give me the option of not having to pay £500 quid for the consol to be able to do it.

And imagine you are young or not as well off.

Whats more appealing out of Sony or ms?

Cause from a financial perspective its ms if they get this off the ground how they want it to
This here is the nail on the head for me

Wealthy 30s + spend the most in gaming, but they aren't the biggest group, anyone who can tap into the 12-30s will make a killing and basically, Game Pass onto any digital device does that, and when you consider it now has EA stuff too - FIFA and CoD are the main staple of any teenager.

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