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These 76 comments are related to an article called:

Nord Stream I closed permanently

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posted on 11/9/22

comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by GregUnited (U1192)
posted 8 minutes ago
Why has this article descended into a meaningless argument where I have no idea what anyone is even abusing one another over.

Is there some past beef here?

Because DJ is on it.
Where have I abused anyone Winston? Should be easy to find, this thread is only 2 pages long.

posted on 11/9/22

Russia will still sell to the liked of india, China etc

posted on 11/9/22

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 31 minutes ago
comment by Winston (U16525)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by GregUnited (U1192)
posted 8 minutes ago
Why has this article descended into a meaningless argument where I have no idea what anyone is even abusing one another over.

Is there some past beef here?

Because DJ is on it.
Where have I abused anyone Winston? Should be easy to find, this thread is only 2 pages long.

‘Descended into a meaningless argument’

I won’t be replying to you again on this thread as it’ll be enabling you to do exactly that, and you’ve done that enough for one week.

Whatever has happened to you? What a mess.

posted on 11/9/22

Thought Winston would accept his L here but he just can’t resist

comment by 🥕 (U22339)

posted on 11/9/22

Winston has been owned here! The donkey bollok headed buffoon

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 11/9/22

Donkey bolloks r grate

comment by 🥕 (U22339)

posted on 11/9/22

comment by #4zA accide cchiu a lengua ca a spata - 🇮🇹🇺🇦 (U22472)
posted 9 minutes ago
Donkey bolloks r grate
In your Zia’s ragu maybe

posted on 11/9/22

comment by #4zA accide cchiu a lengua ca a spata - 🇮🇹🇺🇦 (U22472)
posted 1 hour, 10 minutes ago
Donkey bolloks r grate

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 11/9/22


posted on 11/9/22

This war is between US and Russia and the Ukrainians are foot soldiers... Sad , sad situation really.

posted on 11/9/22

comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 4 hours, 58 minutes ago
UK needs to change national grid charter to allow energy storage. Compulsory purchase land for solar farms(do a deal with China for low cost panels) and use GW scale molten sand/silica storage. Ridiculous Europe and the UK hasn't done much much more regarding energy security. This nonsense has been on the cards for years.
Morocco has the largest solar farm in the world and there is a company building a subsea power cable to deliver energy from Morocco to the UK.

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 12/9/22

comment by Vladimikel Artutin - committing war crimes aga... (U18355)
posted 3 hours, 41 minutes ago
There is no confirmation at all that Nord Stream 1 is closed. Your article is fake news. You’ve speculated a theory and portrayed it as fact which is BS. Why have you picked up on this yet there is not a single story of the sort, especially considering it has been closed for maintenance since September 2nd.

As for closing it to manipulate prices, the price of gas closed on Friday at 378PPT which is the lowest it’s been in over a month and is down 25% since Nord Stream 1 was closed for maintenance
Eh? So is the pipe closed or not? And the price of gas is 700% higher than it was 6 months ago.

comment by Beeb (U1841)

posted on 12/9/22

There is an undersea power cable already, but it only goes to Spain.

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 12/9/22

Fart mills

comment by #4zA (U22472)

posted on 12/9/22

comment by Boca Seniors (U19731)
posted 48 minutes ago
comment by Admin1 (U1)
posted 4 hours, 58 minutes ago
UK needs to change national grid charter to allow energy storage. Compulsory purchase land for solar farms(do a deal with China for low cost panels) and use GW scale molten sand/silica storage. Ridiculous Europe and the UK hasn't done much much more regarding energy security. This nonsense has been on the cards for years.
Morocco has the largest solar farm in the world and there is a company building a subsea power cable to deliver energy from Morocco to the UK.
Due too b complete if all goze too plan () bye🖐2030

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 12/9/22


"Russia has warned that it will not resume gas supplies along a key pipeline to Europe until sanctions are lifted."

So the pipe is closed and will not open unless we lift sanctions, which will not happen.

Not sure how my OP is fake news, but this is where I'll leave it.

Seems it is down to semantics over the word "permanently", I should have said "indefinitely". Bottom line is, Russia made up some BS story and cut Europe off from Russian gas and it won't come back unless we cave.

comment by Beeb (U1841)

posted on 12/9/22

Seimens, the German company that manufacturers and maintains the turbines, says that an absence of routine maintenance over and above “a very short term” will result in permanent and unrepairable damage. It will be a white elephant before 2024.

posted on 12/9/22

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 12/9/22

comment by Ladmin We Win (U1250)
posted 11 hours, 24 minutes ago
*Putin has NOW come out

Good for him. Risky thing to do in Russia though.

posted on 12/9/22

comment by Ladmin We Win (U1250)
posted 6 hours, 59 minutes ago
comment by Vladimikel Artutin - committing war crimes aga... (U18355)
posted 3 hours, 41 minutes ago
There is no confirmation at all that Nord Stream 1 is closed. Your article is fake news. You’ve speculated a theory and portrayed it as fact which is BS. Why have you picked up on this yet there is not a single story of the sort, especially considering it has been closed for maintenance since September 2nd.

As for closing it to manipulate prices, the price of gas closed on Friday at 378PPT which is the lowest it’s been in over a month and is down 25% since Nord Stream 1 was closed for maintenance
Eh? So is the pipe closed or not? And the price of gas is 700% higher than it was 6 months ago.
No confirmation that it is Closed permanently*

And the price of gas is not up 35% over the last 6 months, idk where you got 700% from. You are probably one of those guys who believe Russia are to blame for high energy prices as if this hasn’t been going on for over a year.

posted on 12/9/22

price of gas is* up 35%

posted on 12/9/22

I was closed 'indefinately' 2 weeks ago.

posted on 12/9/22

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 12/9/22

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 12/9/22

Can't remember what I posted here...but it seems you're one of those delete happy filter monkeys on here

so you might as well filter me now

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