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Martial, Rashford & Shaw

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posted on 6/10/22

Soon Eriksen and Lisandro will pick up injuries as well as Varane, Ten Hag will give up on Casemiro, and we will have Lindelof, Maguire and McFred in the starting XI.

posted on 6/10/22

comment by Clockwork Red: Jadon and the Argonauts (U4892)
posted 9 seconds ago
Soon Eriksen and Lisandro will pick up injuries as well as Varane, Ten Hag will give up on Casemiro, and we will have Lindelof, Maguire and McFred in the starting XI.

So true. 😂

comment by Busby (U19985)

posted on 6/10/22

I think we should be starting with Rashford, Martial and Antony as a front three.

My worry is I don’t see how Bruno fits in, I’d rather see Eriksen in that role, although it won’t happen.

posted on 6/10/22

It’s incredible how we’re still potentially relying on Martial and Shaw. Not great news for Ten Hag.

posted on 6/10/22

comment by Busby (U19985)
posted 1 minute ago
I think we should be starting with Rashford, Martial and Antony as a front three.

My worry is I don’t see how Bruno fits in, I’d rather see Eriksen in that role, although it won’t happen.

I wouldn't pick Bruno, Sancho or Ronaldo.

Time to give Eriksen a go further forward and Casemiro and one of Scotty/Fred in CM.

posted on 6/10/22

They are the three players that link up best in the squad. The frustrating thing is that this is still the case, as we know they are physically and mentally flakey.

posted on 6/10/22

comment by Robb - Anti Growth Coallition and Proud (U22716)
posted 11 seconds ago
It’s incredible how we’re still potentially relying on Martial and Shaw. Not great news for Ten Hag.

If the others aren't performing though.....

Nobody can really want to see Ronaldo upfront again surely? Also Malacia has had two really bad games back to back now and been taken off at HT both times. Think he needs some time out of the team for a while.

posted on 6/10/22

comment by David The King Beckham (U10026)
posted 44 seconds ago
They are the three players that link up best in the squad. The frustrating thing is that this is still the case, as we know they are physically and mentally flakey.

This. We’ve seen lots of good moments with those in the side over the past few managers but that just contributes to the ‘Momentchester United’ meme.

So the rinse repeat cycle continues. We get excited then one is injured or one is terrible for a few games. Hopefully Ten Hag is clever enough to see the path ahead and slowly phases them out and replaces them with more consistency

posted on 6/10/22

Issue is there’s not any in the squad currently with more consistency.

posted on 6/10/22

comment by David The King Beckham (U10026)
posted 5 minutes ago
Issue is there’s not any in the squad currently with more consistency.

posted on 6/10/22

comment by Robb - Anti Growth Coallition and Proud (U22716)
posted 10 minutes ago

Hopefully Ten Hag is clever enough to see the path ahead and slowly phases them out and replaces them with more consistency
or, you know, gets them playing with some consistency?

posted on 6/10/22

Nobody can really want to see Ronaldo upfront again surely? Also Malacia has had two really bad games back to back now and been taken off at HT both times. Think he needs some time out of the team for a while.


Malacia shouldn't be starting, he isnt good enough.

posted on 6/10/22

comment by Ji Sung Park's Cousin - I TOLD YOU SO (U2958)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by Robb - Anti Growth Coallition and Proud (U22716)
posted 10 minutes ago

Hopefully Ten Hag is clever enough to see the path ahead and slowly phases them out and replaces them with more consistency
or, you know, gets them playing with some consistency?

That would be great but nothing over the past 8 years suggests they have it in them. I’d genuinely love to be proven wrong

posted on 6/10/22

Tbf Malacia wasn’t bought to come in and be a starter, he was bought for the long term and was pretty cheap. Shame started the season poorly but on his day is very good, problem is he’s very inconsistent and I think mentally quite weak.

We were always going to start with Martial up top if fit, this is nothing new. We all know we need a new striker but with other areas needing attention and the striker market being a very dry one is was always unlikely to be resolved this summer.

Rashford and Sancho have both been inconsistent this season, hard to say who’s been better so far.

posted on 6/10/22

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 4 minutes ago
Nobody can really want to see Ronaldo upfront again surely? Also Malacia has had two really bad games back to back now and been taken off at HT both times. Think he needs some time out of the team for a while.


Malacia shouldn't be starting, he isnt good enough.

No I dont think he is ready yet. Not giving up on him though as he's had a few decent games and a few shockers. He's very young after all.

posted on 6/10/22

I do wonder what ETH’s actual vision for this team is.

posted on 6/10/22

comment by David The King Beckham (U10026)
posted 57 seconds ago
I do wonder what ETH’s actual vision for this team is.
He'll go back for De Jong in January...

posted on 6/10/22

Malacia has had a tough week, Shaw hasn’t exactly been much better when coming on though.

Probably is time to give Luke another go, but people are far too quick to write players off.

On a plus note, Martinez continues to excel. What a player. Just a shame at times he’s having to defend everything. Thought lindelof wasn’t great again tonight, lost count of how many times Licha had to come across and cover for him. He also lost the ball for the 2nd goal.

posted on 6/10/22

Looking forward to the game

posted on 6/10/22

comment by Diafol Coch 77 (U2462)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by David The King Beckham (U10026)
posted 57 seconds ago
I do wonder what ETH’s actual vision for this team is.
He'll go back for De Jong in January...

Or maybe some sort of swap with Dortmund

posted on 6/10/22

comment by David The King Beckham (U10026)
posted 5 minutes ago
I do wonder what ETH’s actual vision for this team is.

Survive in the job long enough to make real changes. I feel for any manager that takes over with a vision as it’s like taking over a spluttering car on the autobahn and hoping to fix it without constantly being smashed into by traffic.

posted on 6/10/22

No I dont think he is ready yet. Not giving up on him though as he's had a few decent games and a few shockers. He's very young after all.


I wasn't suggesting giving up on him. Where he got caught out today he has got very lucky at in previous games and got away with it. It needs to be coached out of his game. Lindelof does it as well.

Instead of playing a simple pass that is on he tries to drag it back and hold onto it using upper body strength he doesn't have.

posted on 6/10/22

We need to stick with ETH for sure. I do envisage a bumpy few years though. We won't get anywhere near City. Fans need to get realistic. If he gets top 4 in year 2 he will be on par with what Klopp achieved and ahead of likes of Arteta. We are so far away it's scary.

posted on 6/10/22

comment by Robb - Anti Growth Coallition and Proud (U22716)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by David The King Beckham (U10026)
posted 5 minutes ago
I do wonder what ETH’s actual vision for this team is.

Survive in the job long enough to make real changes. I feel for any manager that takes over with a vision as it’s like taking over a spluttering car on the autobahn and hoping to fix it without constantly being smashed into by traffic.
Indeed. But they can still have an idea about how they want the team to look. It’s hard to know at this stage because of the unreliability of so many players.

posted on 6/10/22

comment by Vidicschin (U3584)
posted 56 seconds ago
No I dont think he is ready yet. Not giving up on him though as he's had a few decent games and a few shockers. He's very young after all.


I wasn't suggesting giving up on him. Where he got caught out today he has got very lucky at in previous games and got away with it. It needs to be coached out of his game. Lindelof does it as well.

Instead of playing a simple pass that is on he tries to drag it back and hold onto it using upper body strength he doesn't have.


Agreed. He's just a bit naive there. Tough poor too.

Also don't think Sancho should be passing it back to him there considering he got the ball on edge of the box from our corner. So cowardly from him. Afraid to take anyone on.

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