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posted on 16/11/22

It's a bit like Christmas, really. Nowhere near the enthusiasm as years gone by, but once it starts and the beer starts flowing its all good.

posted on 16/11/22

Really not arrsed and I usually love it.

I'll watch England games only providing they're on BBC and I don't have to have time off work.

posted on 16/11/22

Can't be bothered about international football.
As Schopenhauer wrote:
“Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and happy to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.”

posted on 16/11/22

It's a good time to have the World Cup.
It gives us something to do in the dismal back-end-of the-year.
Let the Mrs get on with her Xmas planning.
Buy her present early, that big screen TV that she wants, so you can road-test it for her during the World Cup to make sure it's OK for her Xmas programmes (and you are familiar with the remote control).
Secretly put PG block on the girlie channels you don't want to have to watch.
Remember to deny everything.
Welcome boost for pubs at what is usually a slow time.

posted on 16/11/22

horrible for the league season but Canada in it for the first time in decades so ill watch those three games.

posted on 16/11/22

comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 4 minutes ago
horrible for the league season but Canada in it for the first time in decades so ill support them, Spain, Brazil, Argentina, Italy even though they are not in it and the ref

And Liverpool of course

Fixed it for ya, you are welcome

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 16/11/22

Me - I just cannot raise any enthusiasm.
What I tell her.

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 16/11/22

comment by goadocwatson (U1016)
posted 51 minutes ago
It's a good time to have the World Cup.
It gives us something to do in the dismal back-end-of the-year.
Let the Mrs get on with her Xmas planning.
Buy her present early, that big screen TV that she wants, so you can road-test it for her during the World Cup to make sure it's OK for her Xmas programmes (and you are familiar with the remote control).
Secretly put PG block on the girlie channels you don't want to have to watch.
Remember to deny everything.
Welcome boost for pubs at what is usually a slow time.
My mate just spent £2200 on a new, top of the range OLED whilst his missus was away. Showed her a supermarket advert for some £350 unit that looked similar. Just has to secrete the Amex bill and jobs a good un!

posted on 16/11/22

He can make that money back easily. Just invite you and his other mates round to watch the games with an entrance fee of a case of beer and keep what's left when you leave.
Similar to having a party/barbie in Australia. The norm for blokes is to take a slab (24 cans) to dump in the eski (ice bin) and whatever meat you want to eat. The host provides the bread/rolls, salads etc. So as the host you get left with a few weeks supply of tinnies afterwards. Over the course of a year of going to each others' barbies it works out about even. Very civilised. But don't forget the 4-pack of Babycham for the girls!

posted on 16/11/22

If Schopenhauer was any good as a philosopher he would have been in the Monty Python Philosophers Song. He didn't make the grade though so his musings are invalid.

posted on 16/11/22

goadocwatson knows

I don't really understand how supporting the national team makes a fan any more of a miserable fool than supporing his or her local team. It's all the same thing really, just depends where you draw the boundary. We hate Forest, Scotland hate England, what's the difference?

The awarding of the World Cup to Qatar is scandalous and I haven't paid it much heed up to now. Plus, Southgate is utterly useless so it's hard to get up any enthusiasm about our prospects. It's a dismal old squad that he has picked.

But it's the World Cup. We don't get many in our lives and each one has left its mark on me for different reasons. I was alive in 1966 but I have no memory of it. If we could win one in my lifetime and I could celebrate it with my children it would be one of the greatest moments of my life. So once it starts I will be all in.

Buit we will be a damp squib, as per. Southgate out.

comment by Silver (U6112)

posted on 16/11/22

I might cut my fingernails to try and get into the spirit of it? A hand seems too much.

posted on 17/11/22

No enthusiasm for the Qatar World Cup, so much so I don't even know when the first match is kicking off.

I've been against Qatar's handling of this for several years due to the tragic events of numerous deaths building the stadiums , to the organisers in Qatar this probably was no more than just an inconvenience.

This event reeks of corruption. I know certain players have recently voiced their thoughts on the matter, but I'd have admired players for boycotting this World Cup.

posted on 17/11/22

Wrong time of year, but, it is cold, dark and damp outside so this will be something better to watch than I'm a D lister get me out of here.

posted on 17/11/22


posted on 17/11/22

comment by AFTP #BoycottQatar2022 (U21889)
posted 4 hours, 11 minutes ago
£12 a pint, sounds a reason to boycott Qatar on its own. Prices like that make me cough, perhaps that's why it's called Qatar.

posted on 17/11/22


posted on 17/11/22

Whether you're looking forward to the World Cup or not.... its a fact that L1 will still be in full swing, unlike the PL and Championship... Cheers. Terry. UTR

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