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Something on the horizon...for

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posted on 9/1/23

Plus Qatari approach is another intriguing matter...The club is doing everything to squash any rumours of take overs...Daniel Levy, what are you hiding?

posted on 9/1/23

Levy ia full of jokes. 3 years and counting for naming rights. Not many brands want second hand stadium at premium value.

posted on 9/1/23

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posted on 9/1/23

comment by Ace (U22861)
posted 1 minute ago
Don’t know how anyone can get through one of Golds hour long youtube vids, that bloke is so dull the paint watches him dry. I just read the bullet points later on. Most of what he blathers on about is stuff we already know anyway.
This. He's a reporter. An unfortunately for him most the stuff he gets out is second hand

posted on 9/1/23

Never used to like him, but I think he does talk lots of sense. He needs to just cut down from his hour long stuff, to say about 15 minutes. I rarely sit through the whole length.

posted on 9/1/23

Any CBs incoming?

posted on 9/1/23

3 things with Ali G:

1. He only knows what the club want him to know - the club is his source so they would tell him the Qatari investment is rubbish if they don’t want it known

2. His videos are an hour long because he has the terrible habit of repeating himself over and over and he always chucks his own opinion in even though no one gives a faaack

3. Spurs usually do things when he goes on holiday - it’s a running joke, but every time he goes away Spurs drop big news. Hopefully he has winter sun planned

posted on 9/1/23

comment by Ace (U22861)
posted 1 hour, 20 minutes ago
Don’t know how anyone can get through one of Golds hour long youtube vids, that bloke is so dull the paint watches him dry. I just read the bullet points later on. Most of what he blathers on about is stuff we already know anyway.
I find him the same.

posted on 9/1/23

Poor Alli G, ringing endorsements from local JA606ers!
I like to hear any gossips, but usually, like most have mentioned here already, his actual transfer news are a bit second hand these days with the advent of twitter and how fast news travel!

Still, he was throwing those "errr, errr something on the horizon for Spurs" comments at the end of his last vid.

Just got me intrigued. When I look at the potential news, I don't see anything of note other than DS going to Wolves on loan possibly and a feeble link to Brazilian Tete who is on loan at Lyon from Shaktar.

posted on 9/1/23

comment by BelfastSpur (U15068)
posted 33 minutes ago
comment by Ace (U22861)
posted 1 hour, 20 minutes ago
Don’t know how anyone can get through one of Golds hour long youtube vids, that bloke is so dull the paint watches him dry. I just read the bullet points later on. Most of what he blathers on about is stuff we already know anyway.
I find him the same.

Someone on Reddit usually posts a summary of what be says.

posted on 9/1/23

comment by morespurs (U15748)
posted 19 minutes ago
Poor Alli G, ringing endorsements from local JA606ers!
I like to hear any gossips, but usually, like most have mentioned here already, his actual transfer news are a bit second hand these days with the advent of twitter and how fast news travel!

Still, he was throwing those "errr, errr something on the horizon for Spurs" comments at the end of his last vid.

Just got me intrigued. When I look at the potential news, I don't see anything of note other than DS going to Wolves on loan possibly and a feeble link to Brazilian Tete who is on loan at Lyon from Shaktar.

We’re linked with:


We will get one if we’re lucky and Levy forgets he is a khunt

posted on 9/1/23

So much depends on this potential Qatari investment… I so hope it’s true…There’s no smoke without fire, so let’s see…

If we bring a RWB in, then we need to sell Royal & send out Spence on loan to another Premier League team…

Same with a CB… 1 in …. 1 out…

We need another attacker… can’t see Moura playing soon… Trossard has been left out recently… maybe his head has been turned…

That’s it for Jan transfer window….

Major squad revamp in the summer…

posted on 9/1/23

He even makes the line "Hello, Alasdair Gold here" sound utterly boring and that's always the first thing he says. That's got to be a new record to bore someone within about 3 seconds of a video.

He really does repeat himself a lot but he's also fully aware that the length of the video puts people off. He's always saying stuff like "apologies for the length of this video but there's just soooooo much stuff to get through" and then proceeds to drag out something over 20 mins that could have been summed up in 10 seconds.

You lot should give the podcast 'Gold and Guest talk Tottenham' a try. I kid you not, this fella Guest genuinely makes Ali Gold sound exciting. To out-dull the dullest man in football journalism is really going some but he manages it.

posted on 9/1/23

If I can’t fall asleep I put on one of his podcasts and fall asleep pretty quickly

posted on 9/1/23

YouTube videos even

posted on 9/1/23

comment by Striketeam7 - the smartest person you know - Bronze medal khunt 2022 - Buy..Bellingham and another mid 20s Thiago type...lets just call him "frank" (U18109)
posted 1 hour, 11 minutes ago
comment by morespurs (U15748)
posted 19 minutes ago
Poor Alli G, ringing endorsements from local JA606ers!
I like to hear any gossips, but usually, like most have mentioned here already, his actual transfer news are a bit second hand these days with the advent of twitter and how fast news travel!

Still, he was throwing those "errr, errr something on the horizon for Spurs" comments at the end of his last vid.

Just got me intrigued. When I look at the potential news, I don't see anything of note other than DS going to Wolves on loan possibly and a feeble link to Brazilian Tete who is on loan at Lyon from Shaktar.

We’re linked with:


We will get one if we’re lucky and Levy forgets he is a khunt
Shades of the past when we were linked with everyone, and ended up with Ndom (remember him?) and Gio!
Our transfer dealings had a desperation and randomness whiff about them. Team needs CB, we go and get a young midfielder (example)

Then the chairman has the audacity to say that we spend in the transfer market!! We do but get the wrong or unwanted players?

Other than the last Jan transfer, it has been a bit of Arthur Daley about it tbh

posted on 9/1/23

comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 1 hour, 58 minutes ago
He even makes the line "Hello, Alasdair Gold here" sound utterly boring and that's always the first thing he says. That's got to be a new record to bore someone within about 3 seconds of a video.

He really does repeat himself a lot but he's also fully aware that the length of the video puts people off. He's always saying stuff like "apologies for the length of this video but there's just soooooo much stuff to get through" and then proceeds to drag out something over 20 mins that could have been summed up in 10 seconds.

You lot should give the podcast 'Gold and Guest talk Tottenham' a try. I kid you not, this fella Guest genuinely makes Ali Gold sound exciting. To out-dull the dullest man in football journalism is really going some but he manages it.

Really harsh fridgeboy! Don't think he'll win any awards for presentation or theatrics but for being 100% pure ans genuine, you can tell that he tells us all that he feels able to. The hundreds of comments you'll find below each of his videos would also take issue with you, so I think I'd rather take their opinion on board. No one makes you watch. We're lucky to have him reporting on our club.

posted on 9/1/23

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posted on 9/1/23

comment by Ace (U22861)
posted 13 minutes ago
We're lucky to have him reporting on our club.
Are we?! Good puts the terd in turgid.

Like I say mate, might not be for everyone but look at the comments he gets on each and every vid!

posted on 9/1/23

I reckon this is just PSG positioning themselves to get a foot in the door for Harry Kane.

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