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Daniel Levy

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posted on 25/2/23

comment by Bãleš left boot (U22081)
posted 2 hours, 12 minutes ago
Something's broken there. All clubs have the same Executive staff pay
Yeah...that needs explaining.
And just look where the Arsenholes are?
There's a lesson for Levy & Lewis there!

posted on 25/2/23

Fans want him to leave because he's making an absolute fortune while not spending the club's own money (ie. the profits that pay his dividend) on the squad.

This of course is exactly why there is absolutely no reason why he would ever want to leave

comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 25/2/23

Think he's earned it tbh. To bring your club where it is, from where it was 20 years ago is incredible.

posted on 25/2/23

comment by King TUt (U3732)
posted 1 hour, 46 minutes ago
Think he's earned it tbh. To bring your club where it is, from where it was 20 years ago is incredible.
And he's also earned a good sack imo

Any chairman of a football club, that has spent so much to increase its stadium capacity but club has failed to win any trophy under his tenure, is a disgraceful record for Spurs. Spurs were winning trophies prior to Baldy. We weren't in top 4, but had trophies every other season (maybe a few more years sometimes or years ending with 1 only!)

He needs to go now...I have no desire to see a chairman who thinks a club is successful if it has ZERO trophy but has a 60k+ capacity stadium!

With the talent we have, the club just needed high quality investment of 3/4 players to make the next step, but that was torpedoed by him for capacity increase, and we end up with nothing.


posted on 25/2/23

Levy claims to be a lifelong massive Spurs fan, which is debatable given how he operates, he won`t ever go the extra mile or push the boat out like most true fans would if they were in his position. The balance sheet is always king with Blofeld.

posted on 25/2/23

To top it off Billy, Arsenal are potentially going to win the title. 1st time in years they are going to finish above us and take the title. All under baldies watch. We had countless opportunities to push on and he never went down the route like Arsenal have. Never truly backed any manager.

posted on 25/2/23

comment by Don_tottenham (U3372)
posted 10 minutes ago
To top it off Billy, Arsenal are potentially going to win the title. 1st time in years they are going to finish above us and take the title. All under baldies watch. We had countless opportunities to push on and he never went down the route like Arsenal have. Never truly backed any manager.
And the Arsenholes are doing it with half the expenditure on executive salaries of Tottenham!

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