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So predictable!

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posted on 27/11/23

Great article Genius, and like you am really liking what I am seeing, despite the three defeats, and possibly more to come.

Absolutely no club can legislate for losing four players in a 20 minute spell like Spurs did against Chelsea, then more injuries thereafter.

Spurs will be a real force back in the New Year, when all the main men come back.

posted on 27/11/23

Good manager. Reminds me of the way Bielsa got us playing, much better than the sum of our parts.
Hope you give him the time he needs because it will probably take levy 3 more windows to fully get ange's team in.
Win or lose you're much better to watch then when you had those two frauds mo and curly. oops i meant conte.

posted on 27/11/23

Thanks Sandy

Just out in Los Angeles visiting my daughter, catching flight home later today and arrive back in UK tomorrow afternoon.

Whilst disappointed yesterday, I am not down hearted at all as I know better things are on the horizon for Spurs.
People have just got to keep the faith and be patient, Spurs are genuinely a work in progress and providing Ange is supported with time and recruitment then the future looks bright indeed👍

posted on 27/11/23

comment by GeniusGreaves (U1302)
posted 25 minutes ago
Thanks Sandy

Just out in Los Angeles visiting my daughter, catching flight home later today and arrive back in UK tomorrow afternoon.

Whilst disappointed yesterday, I am not down hearted at all as I know better things are on the horizon for Spurs.
People have just got to keep the faith and be patient, Spurs are genuinely a work in progress and providing Ange is supported with time and recruitment then the future looks bright indeed👍

Safe journey back Genius.

I am up in Liverpool tomorrow, visiting a friend. May even meet some Liverpool supporters off the board.

posted on 27/11/23

The club has been failing for decades now., although there is a common denominator.

posted on 27/11/23

Should’ve beaten wolves. But we didn’t.
Should’ve beaten Villa, But we didn’t.

And Chelsea was an absolute debacle.

posted on 27/11/23


posted on 27/11/23

comment by LukaBrasi Ange-r management (U22178)
posted 1 minute ago
I’ve been patient since 2008.

Few years of CL fun under Poch, but f*ck all else.

posted on 27/11/23

And can we stop with this rebuilding b0llocks too, every club is constantly rebuilding, every transfer window, in fact the only club I can remember ever NOT rebuilding during (successive) transfer windows is Tottenham.

posted on 27/11/23

Like it or not we are currently in another rebuild within a rebuild due to the injuries 😂

posted on 27/11/23

comment by LukaBrasi Ange-r management (U22178)
posted 2 minutes ago
Like it or not we are currently in another rebuild within a rebuild due to the injuries 😂

It’s f*cking Groundhog Day. Again.

posted on 27/11/23

Nice Post GG. Balanced and reasonable.

Those with any football knowledge can see the direction of travel here and also the appreciate the approach.

Some seem to forget the utter misery under Conte and Jose.

It's an exciting start and I hope the feelgood factor continues despite the adversity. But even in adversity there are some good signs.

As we get some players back, move out the unwanted and bring in some more talent, there are real grounds for optimism.

I really like what I am seeing, mostly. Anyone not content with 2 points per game and the overall start to the season is not worth listening to.

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 27/11/23

I would so much rather an FA Cup over top 4/5 if I had to pick one. We are at that stage now of simply needing a trophy win.

If you are going to fault Ange for anything it should be going out so tamely in the League Cup in a season in which we have no European football and cups should have been more the priority. But as far as the league exploits go, yeah he is pretty blameless. Levy is not however totally blameless. The negligence regarding strengthening the defence was there for everyone to see and we knew it was something that could potentially bite us in the bum. That's exactly what it has done. I didn't want us to sell Kane either and it's starting to look like that might have been a poor decision too.

posted on 28/11/23

One thing we must not forget, is that until we move players on then we cannot replace them. It is really pure economic reality which we have to embrace.

Anyone who cannot see the current potential really does not have any faith or imagination. This could be a very exciting phase in the club’s history, especially after the dross that has been served up by Mourinho & Conte in recent years.

posted on 28/11/23

Seems like it’s mostly wishful thinking going on here.

posted on 28/11/23

Sizzle…………you would be miserable if you won the lottery.
If you dislike things so much why don’t you go and support Chelsea as you live closer to them and they spend millions more than us!

posted on 28/11/23

I’m not miserable, I just have a different opinion, and quite clearly a better memory than most of you sheep.

posted on 28/11/23

comment by GeniusGreaves (U1302)
posted 2 hours, 35 minutes ago
Sizzle…………you would be miserable if you won the lottery.
If you dislike things so much why don’t you go and support Chelsea as you live closer to them and they spend millions more than us!

Genius, don't take any notice of Sizzle, he is clueless, and has a huge chip on his shoulder over most things, Spurs included. He is the most misery poster on the board, along with Ted.

posted on 28/11/23


posted on 28/11/23

comment by sandy, golden boot winner fa cup 1901 (U20567)
posted 15 hours, 46 minutes ago
comment by GeniusGreaves (U1302)
posted 25 minutes ago
Thanks Sandy

Just out in Los Angeles visiting my daughter, catching flight home later today and arrive back in UK tomorrow afternoon.

Whilst disappointed yesterday, I am not down hearted at all as I know better things are on the horizon for Spurs.
People have just got to keep the faith and be patient, Spurs are genuinely a work in progress and providing Ange is supported with time and recruitment then the future looks bright indeed👍

Safe journey back Genius.

I am up in Liverpool tomorrow, visiting a friend. May even meet some Liverpool supporters off the board.
As though anyone is really interested

posted on 28/11/23

comment by GeniusGreaves (U1302)
posted 10 hours, 42 minutes ago
One thing we must not forget, is that until we move players on then we cannot replace them. It is really pure economic reality which we have to embrace.

Anyone who cannot see the current potential really does not have any faith or imagination. This could be a very exciting phase in the club’s history, especially after the dross that has been served up by Mourinho & Conte in recent years.

I can understand why some fans may have lost some faith that this latest great new beginning will come to anything, this aint our first rodeo! but there really isnt any need for said people to poison every post with negativity. There is a lot to enjoy right now.

I'm really enjoying this season, the way we are playing, the commitment and effort from the players, the wonderful atmosphere and connection with the fans, the manager's personality, the positive vibe....that is an amazing base to work from.

It is over to the money men, the DOF and CEO now to get Ange what he needs to build on this.

IMO there is no reason why, by next season, we cannot have half a dozen new faces to provide back up at CB, LB, CM, AM and FWD positions. With the likes of Dier, Perisic, Hojbjerg, Skipp, NDomb moving on, and decisions made on the likes of GLC, Gil and Richarlison

posted on 28/11/23

Good Post GG... Hope you are doing well BTW !!

Agree with everything you said. Would just add that Ange's excellent start has unfairly raised fans expectations. There's nothing wrong with that and Ange has openly encouraged it. I do think the early optimism has meant that we as fans can forget that things aren't perfect. Of course, we all know the squad isn't balanced, there's still too much deadwood that Levy has overvalued, resulting in some players overstaying their welcome and there are questions as to whether any of this will be addressed properly in Jan or next summer...... We'll see !

With all that said, these are better problems to have compared to where we have been for the past few years.... I'm enjoying watching Spurs and am excited to see where we'll go under Ange.

The next few weeks are gonna be ugly but we are on the right path.... Hang tight & see the big picture

posted on 29/11/23

Thanks Diamondlights👍

Having supported the club for 65 years, I have experienced just about every emotion possible. The highs were great and the lows depressing at times. However I now have a renewed optimism in that we are going in the right direction, it might be another year to 18 months before we have a strong squad with good back up players in every position, we just need to allow Ange the time to mould and build the team to his liking.

posted on 29/11/23

Sorry Diamonglights, did not answer your question. I am okay, got back from LA last night so still a bit jet lagged today🙃😴 Hope you are good too?

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