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posted on 15/1/24

Why is it so difficult for people to understand that being against genocide doesn’t mean you support Hamas?

posted on 15/1/24

Hamas would do Israel what they are receiving now ten times over if they could get away with it.
Can I just ask, under what conditions have been placed on Palestinians for decades, that resulted in Hamas?

And why, do they have a fundamental issue with Israel?

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Vladimikel Artutin - committing war crimes against football since 2019 (U18355)
posted 13 seconds ago
Why is it so difficult for people to understand that being against genocide doesn’t mean you support Hamas?
Because they are either stupid or demagogues

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 39 seconds ago
comment by Frank van Eijs (U1734)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 1 minute ago
Hamas aren’t committing genocide, though, Israel are.
His wife burnt the roast though so deserves 20 years of domestic abuse
Both are evil.
There was a perfectly good and ironic Hitler analogy here which I did not use. I'm sure you could work it out. It always comes down to Savile and Hitler at the end of the day.

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Cesario (U22905)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Darkphoenix (U11503)
posted 1 minute ago
I will never be astonished by any individual that supports Israel in this matter. It's simple ignorance.

How do people genuinely support an occupying power, that have controlled Palestinians, broken numerous international and human laws and are directly responsible for the deaths tens of thousands over decades is beyond me.

Until the western media recognise that the lives of the 'brown' people in the Middle East are equal to their own, we will continue to support and finance this genocide.
People like “Glazors Out” don’t even know that Gaza is an occupied territory.

My nine year old knows that mate.

You brought Ole and Rashford into your first attack on me. As sure a sign as anything that you're out of your depth mate. Go back to bashing Rashford and leave politics for the grown ups.

Oh and by the way I'm still not Pro Israel. I'm pro ceasefire.

posted on 15/1/24

Question, why was Hamas formed in the late 80’s and not 1948?

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Vladimikel Artutin - committing war crimes against football since 2019 (U18355)
posted 33 seconds ago
Why is it so difficult for people to understand that being against genocide doesn’t mean you support Hamas?
Anyone that apposes Israel is Hamas. They even said South Africa is the legal arm of Hamas

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Glazers Out (SE85) (U21241)

Oh and by the way I'm still not Pro Israel. I'm pro ceasefire.
Which is the same position as the majority of the people in the Country. Most people don't 'pick a side'.

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Glazers Out (SE85) (U21241)

Oh and by the way I'm still not Pro Israel. I'm pro ceasefire.
Which is the same position as the majority of the people in the Country. Most people don't 'pick a side'.
This is the internet. Pick a side.

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Glazers Out (SE85) (U21241)
posted 12 minutes ago
comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 2 minutes ago
Hamas aren’t committing genocide, though, Israel are.

Just terrorism and the planning of killing kids and women at a Pop festival. That's okay then.....quick where's my Palestine flag.

Also you might want to do some reading on Hamas. They'd love nothing more to commit genocide on Israel. The only thing that stops them is the ability to do it and also the backlash from the West that would follow.

Lots of very naive people on this forum who can't see the wood for the trees. And by the way I'm still not pro anybody. Im pro ceasefire and that's it.
Just stop talking, you’re an idiot.

comment by N2 (U22280)

posted on 15/1/24

comment by InBefore (U20589)
posted 1 hour, 50 minutes ago
If Israel sat back and did nothing in response to that hamas attack would you be joining marches against the palestianian hamas?

Are there marches against Iran who backed them to do this? Do you attend those if so? We just gonna ignore the initial atrocities that started this?

quick scroll through ur posted articles since that think i counted 3/4 articles on the matter not one condemning hamas?

Also what should Israel do, how should they respond to a threat capable of doing what they did backed by Iran sat on their doorstep? Not condoning Israel at all, two wrongs dont make a right but what exactly should they be doing in response?

How about stop being an apartheid state, stop commiting war crimes, stop breaking international law, stop targeting ambulances and hospitals, stop killing journalists, stop with the genocidal rhetoric, and so on.

posted on 15/1/24

But but Hamas

posted on 15/1/24

As i said two wrongs dont make a right, disagree with what israel are doing and if theyre guilty of war crimes i want those responsible held accountable. Same as i want Hamas and Iran held responsible and any 1 else involved too. Same goes for the US and UK if they know whats happening and are allowing it staying quiet or w.e.

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Frank van Eijs (U1734)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 39 seconds ago
comment by Frank van Eijs (U1734)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 1 minute ago
Hamas aren’t committing genocide, though, Israel are.
His wife burnt the roast though so deserves 20 years of domestic abuse
Both are evil.
There was a perfectly good and ironic Hitler analogy here which I did not use. I'm sure you could work it out. It always comes down to Savile and Hitler at the end of the day.
Hitler’s appropriate when discussing genocide.

comment by N2 (U22280)

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Glazers Out (SE85) (U21241)
posted 1 hour, 1 minute ago
comment by Robbing Hoody - I taught Szoboszlai how to cushion half volleys (U6374)
posted 2 seconds ago
They are an apartheid state guilty of numerous war crimes and the UK/US have been at best complicit. That simple thing should be enough to have them stopped, but it won’t.

And Hamas are what then? A bunch of cute and friendly folk who make daisy chains? They are literally a militant group who commit terrible atrocities themselves.

At least Israel can vote their leader out. What hope do the Palestinians have really? A military coup? Last time I checked Hamas didn't believe in Elections. The last one was nearly 20 years ago. 😂
Neither do Israel believe in elections — that's why it's an apartheid state where half the people live under occupation and can't vote.

comment by N2 (U22280)

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 37 minutes ago
In the last 20 years there's been 22 conflicts in the Middle East. 2 of these involve Israel but you could argue they are one and the same as one of them is bascially Iran supplying arms to anyone and everyone to use against Israel. See Houthi and Hamas.

Israel has been nowhere near these other conflicts but the same sheet happens year in year out in the Middle East. A group of armed militants march into another Country to kill and rape civilians in the name of 'God'. Apparently that's the 'side' people are clearly supposed to pick, like it's not even thinkable you wouldn't.

Name another apartheid state in the Middle East.

Name another Middle East country currently committing a genocide.

Oh, and they didn't march into another country, as they live in occupied territory.

comment by N2 (U22280)

posted on 15/1/24

The main problem is Israel are above the law.

To focus on condemning Hamas when the other side can do whatever they want is beyond absurd.

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Frank van Eijs (U1734)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 39 seconds ago
comment by Frank van Eijs (U1734)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 1 minute ago
Hamas aren’t committing genocide, though, Israel are.
His wife burnt the roast though so deserves 20 years of domestic abuse
Both are evil.
There was a perfectly good and ironic Hitler analogy here which I did not use. I'm sure you could work it out. It always comes down to Savile and Hitler at the end of the day.
Hitler’s appropriate when discussing genocide.
If you actually did a bit of reading you'd find that there are actually records of Jews backchatting to the Naazi guards and one actually tried to punch one of the Naazi guards. Are you advocating violence? Groups of Jews would have killed Hitler if they had got the chance. Remember that. Why can't we all just agree that we are against killing and don't pick a side between Hitler and the Jews? Both did wrong

posted on 15/1/24

comment by N2 (U22280)
posted 56 seconds ago
Name another apartheid state in the Middle East.

Name another Middle East country currently committing a genocide.

Oh, and they didn't march into another country, as they live in occupied territory.
What a pathetic set of comments to try and paint a narrative that there isn't a large amount of conflict in the middle east in the name of 'God', and we have a simplified 'aggressor' and 'innocent' in this conflict .

Name another terror group that uses human shields to protect itself from reprisals then absolves itself from responsibility for their deaths. Actually there's a few of them about.

You appear to know who 'They' are. Do you know them personally or something? How do you know the actual nationality of the Hamas terrorists exactly?

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Frank van Eijs (U1734)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by Frank van Eijs (U1734)
posted 11 minutes ago
comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 39 seconds ago
comment by Frank van Eijs (U1734)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Kobbie The King Mainoo (U10026)
posted 1 minute ago
Hamas aren’t committing genocide, though, Israel are.
His wife burnt the roast though so deserves 20 years of domestic abuse
Both are evil.
There was a perfectly good and ironic Hitler analogy here which I did not use. I'm sure you could work it out. It always comes down to Savile and Hitler at the end of the day.
Hitler’s appropriate when discussing genocide.
If you actually did a bit of reading you'd find that there are actually records of Jews backchatting to the Naazi guards and one actually tried to punch one of the Naazi guards. Are you advocating violence? Groups of Jews would have killed Hitler if they had got the chance. Remember that. Why can't we all just agree that we are against killing and don't pick a side between Hitler and the Jews? Both did wrong

comment by N2 (U22280)

posted on 15/1/24

This happened a couple of years before Hamas was elected:

"An Israeli army officer who fired the entire magazine of his automatic rifle into a 13-year-old Palestinian girl and then said he would have done the same even if she had been three years old was acquitted on all charges by a military court yesterday."

That was 17 gunshots by the way.


No wonder Hamas exist.

posted on 15/1/24

comment by N2 (U22280)
posted 2 minutes ago
The main problem is Israel are above the law.

To focus on condemning Hamas when the other side can do whatever they want is beyond absurd.

But to not recognise that this conflict that has been going on for decades wouldn't have escalated like this without a cowardly and ultimately disastrous terrorist plot is the bit you're all missing.

And once they decided to plan and carry out that attack....where did they all go? Did they wait for Israel out in the open away from it's innocent civilians in Gaza? No they didn't do that did they? Why? Because they would have been slaughtered. They decided to flee and huge among the innocent people caught up in all this and for good measure they took hostages with them too.

I see a lot of you kind of gloss over this KEY point. This attack lit the fuse on an already complex and dangerous ongoing conflict.

The Israeli response has been awful but yet expected. That day is the biggest loss of Jewish life since the second world war. They were always going to respond this way and Hamas still went ahead and sanctioned that attack. What does that say about them? It says they are stupid and equally to blame for its people being bombed as they knew that would be the response.

comment by N2 (U22280)

posted on 15/1/24

comment by Real Fans Don't WUM (U23132)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by N2 (U22280)
posted 56 seconds ago
Name another apartheid state in the Middle East.

Name another Middle East country currently committing a genocide.

Oh, and they didn't march into another country, as they live in occupied territory.
What a pathetic set of comments to try and paint a narrative that there isn't a large amount of conflict in the middle east in the name of 'God', and we have a simplified 'aggressor' and 'innocent' in this conflict .

Name another terror group that uses human shields to protect itself from reprisals then absolves itself from responsibility for their deaths. Actually there's a few of them about.

You appear to know who 'They' are. Do you know them personally or something? How do you know the actual nationality of the Hamas terrorists exactly?

It has been proven that the IDF have used Palestinians as human shields.

posted on 15/1/24


posted on 15/1/24

comment by N2 (U22280)
posted 1 minute ago

It has been proven that the IDF have used Palestinians as human shields.
That's nothing to do with what I said though.

The 'God' justified nutters in the Middle East are responsible for this mess. I couldn't care less which side they're on. It's a region of conflict, death, and barbaric actions against others. I have no idea why anyone tries to simplify it into a football match.

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