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These 7 comments are related to an article called:

No more excuses

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posted on 28/4/24

Wouldn't give the money to Ange

posted on 28/4/24

Get the cheque book out and stop leaving us short.
You for real?


800m last 5 years only 100m diff between City Arsenal Utd Spurs, only Chelsea spent considerable sums more. Only Arsenal Utd Chelsea spent more net. Compared to what you used to be like i'd say theyve been pumping the money in of late. And thats with all the manager compensations and stadium debts.

posted on 28/4/24

Do you think we need to buy new centre backs? Because I believe we have two top class centre backs who cannot defend corners. So now I have to question what the hell is happening on the training ground and lay the blame at the manager. A top manager would surely be getting more out of these defenders than Ange is. It was all fun and games at the start but now Ange is making an embarrassment of us

posted on 28/4/24

comment by InBefore (U20589)
posted 27 minutes ago
Get the cheque book out and stop leaving us short.
You for real?


800m last 5 years only 100m diff between City Arsenal Utd Spurs, only Chelsea spent considerable sums more. Only Arsenal Utd Chelsea spent more net. Compared to what you used to be like i'd say theyve been pumping the money in of late. And thats with all the manager compensations and stadium debts.
And we are still standing still at best.

If he didn't spend that we would probably be in the championship at best by now.

I think Cristiano Ronaldo knows more about football than us both.

posted on 28/4/24

Pretty sure the investment is for the hotel they’re building

posted on 28/4/24

The added problem is we generally buy some real tosh or dud players. Yes the odd exception now and then but generally they are usually shat or suddenly become shat soon as they join us.

posted on 28/4/24

We buy quantity rather than quality

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