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posted on 8/11/11

Nothin. In life is free, ask joey from friends

comment by El Cap. (U9537)

posted on 8/11/11

why the hell were you driving in london in the first place? what are those grobby tubes for?

posted on 8/11/11

cant take my taxi on the tube

comment by El Cap. (U9537)

posted on 8/11/11

taxi drivers never get compliments

posted on 8/11/11

I know thats why it really made my day, I have witnessed some terrible people and driving in my 10 years of being a london cabbie. Please don't do the

hey can you call me a taxi, Your a taxi joke.

i hear that everyday

comment by El Cap. (U9537)

posted on 8/11/11

i've never actually been in a london cabbie in my life. too expensive for me i remember my dad got a fine for stopping in some no stop zone thingy for 10seconds. islington council

posted on 8/11/11

its not official, I never did the test, but i've been doing it for a decade and never been caught, It's cool because I keep all the cash and am unregulated. I do good deals for regulars

posted on 8/11/11

the real fake

its not official, I never did the test, but i've been doing it for a decade and never been caught


How did you buy your cab? because you have to show your badge before purchase & the same goes for renting.

Me thinks someone is telling porkies.

posted on 8/11/11

Should've just put your bonnet up and hazards on, and made sure you also bought a 2 litre bottle of water incase the sc*m were still loitering when you got back!

posted on 18/8/12

We fecked East Stirling 5-1

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