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Cooking on Gaz !!

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posted on 10/11/11

Was certainly the result the rest of the League wanted

To be honest its a long time since i have seen Linfield dominate a game so much and come away with nothing. Could have won by four goals and no one would have complained, but cest la vie
We're on a terrible run at the moment but actually was pleased with the performance last night, if not the result.

Carson is by far and away your best player and impresses me every time i see him.
As for us, if we play like that when struggling then there is little to worry about.
Good to see Mulgrew back (although about 2 stone overweight) and think we will come good again in the next few weeks.

Congratulations but beware.

posted on 10/11/11

Oh I know you'll still win the league, but it would be nice if we can get the upper hand on you over the course of the season and at least take the satisfaction out of winning it for you.

Carsie is a class act I agree. He'll play a big part in any success (if any) that we will have this season.

posted on 10/11/11

Disappointing result last night but I agree with Earl you can't fault the performance on another day we could've had 3 or 4 but hey thats football,thought Patterson had his best game for us it was good to see him actually chase back & even tackle!!! Maybe DJ has had words with him but the goals will come for him he just needs to take a leaf out of Hamilton's book & work just that little bit harder,as for the Glens I can't believe Glenmen still think they've no chance of winning the league that was a big result & they've as good a chance as the rest of us,certainly sets the season up well for us Irish League diehards,enjoy the moment Peoples Club hopefully we return the favour on Boxing Day(weather permitting of course) COYB

posted on 12/11/11

Lisburn, now you know why Glenmen think they have no chance of the League. We don't have the depth you have, and too many silly results.

posted on 13/11/11

You maybe have a point Peoples Club thats a terrible result after the hard work of beating us on wednesday night but the way this season is going your definately not out of the running yet,big blow for the Ports too with Tipton picking up an unfortunate injury he will be a big hole to fill for them

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