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Scott Johnson leaving Ospreys

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comment by gecko (U8371)

posted on 22/1/12

Can't disagree. I can't think of any stand-out performances in Johnson's reign and I'd echo Jiffy's sentiments that they'd be better off if he left now rather than waiting till the end of the season.

The last 'big' game I remember from the Ospreys was turning Leinster over for the Magners final a few years back. That was immediately before Johnson with Humph and Holley.

I'm not sure what positives Johnson has brought. They've struggled to retain talent, not made the best use of resources and whilst they've brought on a player or two, it's no way more so than the other regions anymore.

I wouldn't argue with getting Cheika, but to be honest I think we'll go for a cheap option, such as keeping on Hump & Holl for a bit and seeing if they come good.

posted on 22/1/12

Hay Gecko, u enjoy the heineken weekend?

I have to say the results messed my sportguru stats right up!

I hadn't heard jiffy said that and to be fair i think hes spot on! release johnson now and be done, give the rest of the season to the other two and if they dont look like they are doing anything positive boot them also.

Its hard to believe they have so badly underachieved and your quite right about the win against leinster in 2010. ANd they deserved it! they gave us a right hiding that weekend and were underdogs going in to it but showed what they could do when it counted. I thought they would kick on after that but no. They just stagnated really.

Anyway, its going to take something special in the short term to turn things around. I don't think tommy bowe will renew his contract either. He has given 4.5 seasons to the O's and they still have not lived up to their own hype so i reckon he will be on a plane back to ireland soon enough. Tommy wants to win things, and quite openly stated he wants a heineken cup medal, and thought the O's were heading in that direction.

For sure there will be a bidding war for his services leinster to get him me thinks... watch this space.

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