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Cheap Claret 1-1 Posh?

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posted on 2/2/12

Hi TP, Looking forward to welcoming The Posh to what will be a very cold and inhospitable Turf Moor. With 25 points from the last 33 we are beginning to believe that a play off place at least could be ours, however our home form aint great. Sounds like it depends which Posh team turn up.
Anyway good luck for the rest of the season, except on Saturday of course.

posted on 2/2/12

Hi there I'm lovin it, hope you don't love it too much on Saturday. Your boys are doing well enough up in the Freezer, and away. You're right about which Posh team turns up. It hasn't really turned up since we were knocked out of the FA Cup by Sunderland. Still, we're due a turn up, so let's hope it begins with a battling draw (at least) at Turf Moor on the Saturday.

posted on 3/2/12

Hiya Thorny,
It'll be an achivement to bring anything back from Burnley.
A tough nut in their own back yard and second only to Brum in the form table for the last 6 games.
The problem Posh have at the moment is not keeping enough clean sheets, just two in the league.
Anyway, good luck and try not to let your whatsits freeze !!

posted on 3/2/12

Hi there RBC .

Finances mean that I'll not be freezing my wotsits up in Lancashire tomorrow. More a worry than letting in goals at the moment, is scoring them. When we were doing well, we let goals in but scored more than we let in. We could do with scoring a flurry soonest - probably not tomorrow, but maybe against the 'Ammers next week <straws clutch>

I note that Brum are playing The Stains tomorrow. That should be a cracker. Winning that would be a good promotion indicator. Enjoy

posted on 3/2/12

As you probably know, Brum are on Sky Sports 2 tomorrow.
Why not grab a beer, feet up in the warm, and watch two Championship sides battle it out.
I'm looking forwards to the game almost as much as the forecast snowfall.

posted on 4/2/12

Hi RBC - I don't have Sky, so it'll just have to be a case of listening to two Championship sides battling it out this afternoon on Radio Cambridgeshire.

Snow and football? Should be interesting!

posted on 4/2/12

I believe Posh have sold a whole 200 tickets ! You must be so proud.

posted on 4/2/12

Hmmm.....you don't happen to have a t-shirt with "I believe" on it do you?..

posted on 4/2/12

I'm Losin' It - Burnley in February, What's the attraction?

posted on 4/2/12

Watching you team winning ?

posted on 4/2/12

Shame you couldn't be there, being a Burnley fan.

posted on 4/2/12

Because I am a Burnley fan doesnt mean I live in Burnley !

Looks like you got a lucky point, 1 shot on target in 94 mins and a blatant penalty turned down.

At least the 200 Posh fans will enjoy their trip home in the snow.

posted on 4/2/12

I't was there for you to win, you were at home......you failed!

posted on 4/2/12

A fair and satisfactory result - I'm loving it!

posted on 4/2/12

Here comes the irons...

posted on 5/2/12

Good away point Thorney
Unbeaten runs have to start somewhere

posted on 6/2/12

You're right there, RBC. More cheap claret this coming Saturday ...

posted on 6/2/12

easy three points for Posh, eh Thorney...?

posted on 7/2/12

I'll drink to that

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