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all England's woes laid open

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posted on 4/2/12

What is good about England is that they are still fighting.They have a good chances of ending 1-2 and which is not bad considering the side they are playing against is in top form at home turf.

posted on 4/2/12

It's not all doom and gloom - these are our worst conditions, I really feel we must get the young Lions and U19's into these conditions urgently (Both are currently playing on the Sub).

Quite simply the 6-1-4 approach works. Remember Headingley against Australia for example?

I am surprised that we have persisted with Morgan. He has never been Test match material. Quite similar to Bopara, he just doesn't look right and his fielding has also dropped as I presume with his confidence.

I don't think many changes are needed. Finn would come in for Monty for your standard pitches.

I would push through Taylor and Stokes for the Number 6 batting position. I would also fast track Hales as a potential future hard hitting opener, for when our excellent captain calls it quit's in the future. Also, keep an eye out for Bell-Drummond at Kent.

I would play Taylor at 6.

posted on 4/2/12

Why do the pommy fans always go for the juggler when ever they lose.....

posted on 4/2/12

Well before this series begun i was interested to see who would win the battle for King of Spin...ajmal or swann. Clearly Ajmal has won this hands down and i must say...ive always found swanny overrated. Now hes got a lovely off spin action, flight is superb and he gets a lot of rip on the ball but for me..he has no mystery. I think swann is easily replaceable infact we've got a ready made replacement in Briggs already if a finger spinner is what is needed. Every other spinner has performed and yet swann has failed...why? i personally dont like swann's attitude towards the fielders while he's bowling, shouting and littling them when they make a mistake...since when could swann field on the outer field? Swann is like the raymond price of england, hes ok, nothing special.

Now i know people will call for Morgans head and to be replaced by.................Bopara? really? Morgan is special..our best one day player by far, give him time! look at AB devillers who took an age to get going but look at him now, a feared cricketer and i believe morgan has that in him..no doubt.

Whats suprises me is we've only got Bopara out there as a replacement batsmen. Can anyone else think of a better replacement? I would of liked to see Taylor but his form dropped off as the county season went on but form is temp etc etc..

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